The DODGE Coup l ing Fami l y
DODGE® C o u p l i n g S o l u t i o n
Uniquely engineered to dampen
torsional vibration, handle
unavoidable misalignment, and
resist catastrophic failure
Continuing our long-standing
tradition of developing products
that improve the performance
and total cost efficiency of our
customers operations, we are
proud to offer a complete family
of DODGE® couplings.
Exclusive to Baldor Electric Company
and our DODGE brand, these
couplings include product features
and performance capabilities that
increase bore size, improve torque
capacity, speed installation, reduce
maintenance, and lower the total
cost of ownership.
No other manufacturer can offer
you the variety of coupling designs,
sizes, and options we can. Nor can
any other supplier provide you with
the knowledge and experience we
have gained from 100-plus years of
application expertise. We were the
first to develop the industry s only
elastomeric shear-type coupling the
original DODGE PARA-FLEX® and
we remain the only resource today
who can offer you a five-year
limited warranty on couplings in the
elastomeric family.
With DODGE and Baldor Electric
Company, you get elastomeric or
metallic coupling solutions you can
trust from a time-tested supplier.
With their built-in ability to solve
problems, DODGE couplings can
withstand the toughest applications
and processes, performing reliably
and efficiently long after other