MITSUBISHI ElECTRIC : Gear Coupling, Inverter , PLC , Motors, Servo Motors, Power Suply , cool Pump , Etc[Apr. 27, 2009 9:12:04]
With more than 75 years of experience, Mitsubishi Electric enjoys a leadership position in the manufacturing sector by offering products and solutions that increase industrial output, productivity and efficiency. Companies have come to rely on us to bring to them technologically advanced products, solutions and application expertise that allows them to quickly develop and manufacture products faster, cost-effectively and with higher quality. Our experience in developing and building everything from components to entire process automation solutions gives our customers a single source for all their automation needs. Our comprehensive line of products include both compact and rack based programmable logic controllers, automation platforms, human-machine interfaces, MES systems, variable frequency drives, servo systems, motion controllers, computer numerical control, linear servos, software and robots. More