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Obat Darah Tinggi Atau Hipertensi CUKUP 15 MENIT LANGSUNG NORMAL kwalitas no. 1 setiap beli 2 gratis 1 HUB.081229777842[Feb. 1, 2012 20:11:24]
PriceRp. 195.000,-
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Pack. & Deliverykardus
OriginKorea (South)
Hypertension, or high Datah drug content of the Korean processed by using natural materials from the sari-sari rare plants that are processed using up to date is capable menormal Technologi his blood pressure back within a short time.


* Just Drink a day Once Before Sleep 1-2 Capsul With Warm Water And
* Self Within 15 Minutes after drunk

Package Contents:
* 30 Capsules.

Then Jump Down So Sembuh.Selanjutnya tension Stay Care Aja To Stay Healthy And Powerful.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a serious condition that affects 50 million people of Indonesia-one of four adult blood pressure. Is the force of blood against artery walls. High blood pressure is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the body and contributes to hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis.

* Normal blood pressure is less than 130/ 85.
* High blood pressure is 140/ 90 or higher.
* If your blood pressure is between 120/ 80 and 140/ 90, then you have prehypertension.

High blood pressure increases your chance ( or risk) for getting heart disease and / or kidney disease, and of stroke. Hypertension is often called the silent killer.Hal is especially dangerous because it often has no warning signs or symptoms.

Causes of High Blood Pressure:
According to the National Institutes of Health, the cause of high blood pressure may include a narrowing of blood vessels, larger than normal blood volume, or heart beat faster or stronger than they should. Each of these conditions will cause increased pressure against the artery walls. High blood pressure may also be caused by medical problems lain.Sering times, the cause is not known. Another factor is smoking, obesity, alcohol, stress, intake of sodium and active lifestyle.

One of the cruel facts of hypertension is that it does not show typical symptoms. This is why it is so important to have your blood pressure checked regularly. Serious cases of hypertension, a rare, can produce the following symptoms:
* Headaches
* Fatigue
* Cofusion
* Nausea
* Tinnitus ( a ringing or buzzing in the ears)
* Visual Disturbance

You can prevent high blood pressure by: Maintaining a healthy weight. Lose weight if you are overweight, exercise more, drink alcoholic beverages in moderation, if you drink at all and eat foods low in salt. All the Indonesian people, especially people with high blood pressure, should eat no more than about 6 grams of salt per day, which is equivalent to 2, 400 milligrams of sodium. That' s about 1 teaspoon of table salt.

Eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables and low in fat.
* Choose foods low in calories and fat.
* Choose foods high in starch and fiber: Foods high in starch and fiber, like fruits, vegetables, dried beans and nuts, and whole-grain cereal, pasta, rice and bread, are an excellent substitute for high fat foods.
* Eliminate the use of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.
* Reduce Salt Intake: Sodium increases the amount of fluid in your vascular system.
* Use herbs, spices, and salt-free seasoning mix in cooking, not salt.

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* Exercise regularly: Exercise increases flexibility and improve circulation.
* Reduce Salt Intake
* Eliminate the use of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.
* Maintain Weight Health. Being overweight is associated with high blood pressure.
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