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Our Fushun RED STRIPPED Paraffin Wax has very good quality. liquid phase past approximately 58-60 C. It is used for many different purposes such as. Candle-making
Coatings for waxed paper or cloth
Food-grade paraffin wax:
Shiny coating used in candy-making; although edible, it is nondigestible, passing right through the body without being broken down
Coating for many kinds of hard cheese, like Edam cheese
Sealant for jars, cans, and bottles
Chewing gum additive
Investment casting
Anti-caking agent, moisture repellent, and dustbinding coatings for fertilizers
Agent for preparation of specimens for histology
Bullet lubricant – with other ingredients, such as olive oil and beeswax
Solid propellant for hybrid rocket motors
Component of surfwax, used for grip on surfboards in surfing
Component of glide wax, used on skis and snowboards
Friction-reducer, for use on handrails and cement ledges, commonly used in skateboarding
Ink. Used as the basis for solid ink different color blocks of wax for thermal printers. The wax is melted and then sprayed on the paper producing images with a shiny surface
Microwax[ 15] : food additive, a glazing agent with E number E905
Forensics aid: the nitrate test uses paraffin wax to detect nitrates and nitrites on the hand of a shooting suspect
Antiozonant agents: blends of paraffin and micro waxes are used in rubber compounds to prevent cracking of the rubber; the antiozonant waxes can be produced from synthetic waxes, FT wax, and Fischer Tropsch wax
Mechanical thermostats and actuators, as an expansion medium for activating such devices[ 11]
" Potting" guitar pickups, which reduces microphonic feedback caused from the subtle movements of the pole pieces
Wax baths for beauty and therapy purposes
Thickening agent in many Paintballs, as used by Crayola
An effective, although comedogenic, moisturiser in toiletries and cosmetics such as Vaseline
Prevents oxidation on the surface of polished steel and iron
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