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\"Selamat Datang di Keduang Internusa adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang General Distributor dan konsultan management siap membantu pengembangan perusahaan anda dengan jasa dan alat-alat berkualitas kebutuhan industri guna mencapai tujuan perusahaan
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    Pupuk Organik Feorganik

    Pupuk Organik Feorganik

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    Jul. 1, 2011 7:10:46
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    Specification :

    Bio Foerganik is a liquid organic fertilizer made from natural ingredients that can nourish the plant and prevent it from pests and diseases.

    C Organic 5, 5% w / w
    Nitrogen 0, 87% w / w
    P 1, 65% w / w
    K 1, 87% w / w
    Fe 0, 035 ppm
    Cu 0, 245 ppm
    Zn 0, 235 ppm
    B 0, 1230 ppm
    Mn 0, 2500 ppm
    Mo 0, 009 ppm

    Fertilizer multi-use:
    1. Healthy and productive plants.
    2. Fertilize crops and increase the child
    3. Strengthen the trunk so it does not easily fall down
    4. Grain filling
    5. Reduce use of chemical fertilizer 10% - 20%
    6. Prevent the plants from pests.
    7. Preventing and treating plant diseases
    8. Improving harvest

    Application usage:

    1. To fertilize 3cc - 5 cc / l
    2. Preventing pest 5 cc - 10 cc / l
    3. Spray 12-25-35-45 HST morning / afternoon

    For reservations please contact:

    CV. Keduang Internusa

    Blok B3 No.10 Gramapuri Tamansari.
    Cibitung - Bekasi - West Java.

    E-mai: keduanginternusa@ yahoo.com

    Telephone: 021-49000 788
    HP: 0813-8240-8788 / 0819-1243-7888 Edy S

    showing 14 of 20

    Contact Information

    Mr. Edy Suyanto [Director/CEO/General Manager]
    Mobile Number:
    Mobile number of Mr. Edy Suyanto at Cibitung
    Phone Number:
    Phone number of Mr. Edy Suyanto at Cibitung
    Fax Number:
    Fax number of Mr. Edy Suyanto at Cibitung
    Perum. Gramapuri Blok B3 No.10
    Cibitung 17520, Jawa Barat
    Valid Address
    HP. 0813 8240 8788 - 0819 1243 7888

    Instant Messaging:

    Y!: keduanginternusa