Specification :
Carrot Seed Oil
Latin name: Daucas carota var. sativa.
Chinese name: hu luo bo zi you
Part used: Seed
Extract Method: Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Fluid
Physical state and appearance: Oil, Sweet, somewhat oily, musky
Color: Light Yellow
Main ingredients: Carotene
CAS # : 8015-88-1
Molecular Formula: C40H56
Molecular Weight: 536.88
Refractive Index at 20 ceilsius degree : 1.4900 to 1.5000
Specific gravity at 20 ceilsius degree : 0.905 to 0.9454
Acid No. : up to 4.
Flash point : 61 ceilsius degree
Description :
Carrot seed oil is extracted from Daucus carota from the Apiaceae family . It is an annual or biennial herb with hairy leaves and umbels of white lacy flowers with purple centers.Carrot seed oil is an essential oil extract that is steam distilled from the seeds of the wild carrot plant ( Duacus carota) , also known as Queen Anne’ s lace. This herb has hairy leaves and lacy white flowers. The oil extract is usually yellow to amber in color and has a mildly sweet, yet earthy aroma. However, many people prefer to enhance this aroma by combining the oil with other fragrances like geranium, citrus, violet, and mimosa.Our carrot seed oil is extracted by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Fluid. It is a new method of extraction using carbon dioxide gas which is kept under high pressure at a constant temperature. It have fresher, cleaner, and crisper aromas than steam-distilled essential oils, and they smell more similar to the living plants because high heat is not used.
Description of Oil:
Generally, carrot seed yields a golden yellow or amber-colored to pale, orange-brown oil with a woody, root-like, earthy odor. The initial notes are sweet and fresh with a tenacious and lasting heavy, earthy, fatty, slightly spicy undertone. The smell is reminiscent of that associated with the edible orange root.
Chemical composition:
The main chemical properties of Carrot seed oil include: Acetic, Pinene, Carotol, Asarone, Limonene and Bisabolene
History, Folklore and Myth: The carrot is said to have originated in Afganistan, was known to the Greeks and Romans and has now spread throughout Europe. The more familiar, edible, orange root was developed by the Dutch in the seventeenth century. The wild flower, Queen Anne’ s Lace was brought to the New World by English setters.
In France, in the sixteenth century, carrots were prescribed for their carminative ( relieves and promotes the expulsion of flatus or gas from the gastro-intestinal tract) , stomachic ( strengthens, stimulates, or tones the stomach) and hepatic ( stimulates and aids function of liver & gallbladder) properties.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is used to treat dysentery and to expel worms.
Carrot seed oil' s greatest benefit lays in its purifying effect on the liver and the digestive system.
It helps in the treatment of muscular aches and pains, skin problems and respiratory ailments.
Carrot seed oil can be used in vapor therapy for: the liver, the digestive and respiratory systems, for muscle pains.
Blended oil or in the bath
As a blended oil or diluted in the bath, Carrot seed oil can assist with: muscle pains and respiratory tract.
Carrot seed oil blends well with:
Carrot seed oil blends well with other oil that includes: Bergamot, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Cedarwood, Geranium, Citrus and spicy oils
Precautions and Contraindications: Carrot oil tested non-toxic at low levels. It should be avoided when pregnant because it can promote menstruation.
Other Interesting Information: Oil is also obtained, by solvent extraction, from the red fleshy root of the common edible carrot. It has a high concentration of carotenes.
U. S. pilots, during World War II, were issued carrots on a regular basis to enhance their night vision.
The carrot plant contains substantial amounts of Vitamins A, B1, B2 and C.
Storage: Store in cool & dry place, Keep away from strong light and heat.
Shelf life: 24 Months when properly stored.