Instalasi Produksi Kompos Kota ( IPKK) Suatu Peluang Usaha
Completeness of the production of compost as a City Compost Production Installation ( IPKK) using Biophoskko ® Rotary Klin type for this communal scale ( RT, housing blocks, RW, markets, hotels, factories and commercial areas) consists of:
1. Chopper engine organic MPO 500, kaps 500 kg / hr
2. Composting with 5 units of Rotary Kiln ( manual RKM 1000 L) , kaps 3 m3 / 5 days / units,
3. Sifting compost, MPP kaps 3 m3 / day
Other Supporting Tools in the form of a shovel, bucket activator solution, hoes and building shelter ( no walls around 100 m2) can be held by interested businesses ( sponsors) in place.
Consumables for each process of production / day ( 3 m3 ~ 1 ton) of garbage is:
1. 3 m3 of organic waste equals 1 ton
2. Activators Green Phoskko ( pengurai) 4 Pack @ 250 grams @ Rp 27, 500 / Pack
3. Bulking agent 3% x 1 ton = 30 kg x @ Rp 5000 / kg
or a total equivalent to Rp 260, 000, --
Additional ( optional) for the processing of 3 m 3 / batch is
1. brand plastic sheet 100 Green Phoskko Rp. 195, 000
2. bottled 20 Pcs / carton Rp 105.000
Obtaining the results ( output) is:
1. Compost 400 kg
2. Liquid Organic Fertilizer 20 bottles @ 500 ml
COST expedition BANDUNG ( Rp. PM)
Total volume of 1 IPKK above, in the form of decomposed ( CKD-Complete Knock Down) to be loaded in 1 Container 20 feet.
The expedition can be appointed by the buyer to take on the location of our factory in Industrial Area Gede Bage Bandung and Fees Installment 10 man days Rp.10.000.000, -
Making compost using this Klin Rotary will cost 4 @ 7 kg bag of mineral ( Bulking Agent) Phoskko B @ Rp 5000, -/ kg and 1 kg ~ 4 Pack activators Phoskko A @ IDR 27. 500, - / kg or a total of about Rp 250, 000, -/ proses batch in 1 day / Unit IPKK. For commercial purposes ( the result of liquid organic compost and sold) , the additional costs required packaging and packaging of liquid manure compost as much as solid ( 100 pcs packing bags of compost solid @ 5 kg = IDR 195.000 and 20 bottles @ 500 ml of liquid organic fertilizer packaging = IDR 105, 000) , a sub total of Rp 550.000, -.
With the cost, will produce 40% of the weight of compost solid organic waste material ( or the original 1 ton of trash, will be approximately 400 kg of compost or 80 to 100 bags @ 5 kg / pack) . In addition to the solid compost, there are also 25 bottles of liquid organic fertilizer ( organic liquid fertilizer) @ Rp 20, 000 to Rp 40.000, - / @ 500 ml bottle - which, if valued around IDR 1. 400.000, - / process / IPKK Installing units / day. As known, the price of compost USD 1000, -/ kg plus liquid organic fertilizer price Rp 20.000, - to Rp 40.000, - / 500 ml bottles.
Other income will be derived from cleaning garbage fees in high-income residential areas ( real estate, apartment, condominium) . Business environmental waste management services will provide additional income in the form of money hygiene ( typing fee) of about 200 homes x Rp 25, 000 / month = IDR 5.000.000, -. General cleanliness of money collected by the Five Pillars of Citizens ( RW) and corporate developers ( developers) . Capacity of 5 units of Rotary Klin 3 m3 in 1 IPKK be able to process the garbage every day from 150 to 200 households.