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Maju Mapan Mandiri

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15th Year
Maju Mapan Mandiri
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    DAVIS Vantage Vue Wireless Weather Station

    DAVIS Vantage Vue Wireless Weather Station

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    The new Davis Vantage Vue weather station combines Davis' legendary accuracy and rugged durability into a compact station that' s easy to set up and use. Vantage Vue includes a sleek but tough outdoor sensor array and a distinctive LCD console. Its unique Weather Center function provides additional information on each weather variable. In addition, Davis has made Vantage Vue radio-compatible with our flagship Vantage Pro2 professional stations so you can mix-and-match most components.

    A. Temperature â Range E. Wind Direction
    Inside Temperature, 0° C to 60° C Range: 0° to 360°
    Outside Temperature, -40° C to 65° C Resolution: 16 points ( 22.5° ) on compass rose,
    Resolution 1° in numeric display.
    Current Data, 0.1° or 1° Accuracy: ± 3°
    Historical Data and Alarms, 1°
    Accuracy F. Wind Chill
    Inside Temperature, ± 0.5° C Range: -110° F to 135° F ( -79° C to 57° C)
    Outside Temperature, ± 0.5° C / ± 1° C Resolution: 1°

    B. Humidity ( Inside and Outside) Accuracy: ± 2° F ( ± 1° C) typical.
    Range: 0 to 100% RH
    Resolution: 1% , Accuracy: ± 3% ~ ± 4% G. Rainfall

    C. Barometric Pressure Range: 0 to 199.99Ã ( 0 to 6, 553 mm)
    Range: 16.00Ã to 32.50Ã Hg Resolution: 0.01Ã or 0.2 mm
    410 to 820 mm Accuracy: greater of 4% or 1 tip
    540 to 1, 100.0 hPa/ mb
    Resolution: 0.01Ã Hg, 0.1 mm Hg, 0.1 hPa/ mb Dimensions
    Accuracy: ± 0.03à Hg ( ± 0.8 mm Hg, ± 1.0 hPa/ mb) Integrated Sensor Suite: 12.95à x5.75à x13.40Ã

    D. Wind Speed ( mph, knots, m/ s, km/ h) Console ( with antenna) : 7.5Ã x5.75Ã x4.5Ã
    Range: 1 to 67 m/ s
    Resolution: 0.5 m/ s
    Accuracy: ± 1 m/ s or ± 5% , whichever is greater

    E. Wind Direction
    Range: 0° to 360°
    Resolution: 16 points ( 22.5° ) on compass rose,
    1° in numeric display.
    Accuracy: ± 3°

    F. Wind Chill
    Range: -110° F to 135° F ( -79° C to 57° C)
    Resolution: 1°
    Accuracy: ± 2° F ( ± 1° C) typical.

    G. Rainfall
    Range: 0 to 199.99Ã ( 0 to 6, 553 mm)
    Resolution: 0.01Ã or 0.2 mm
    Accuracy: greater of 4% or 1 tip

    Integrated Sensor Suite: 12.95Ã x5.75Ã x13.40Ã
    Console ( with antenna) : 7.5Ã x5.75Ã x4.5Ã

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