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Registration Date: Apr. 13, 2007. Last Updated: Nov. 3, 2011
Business Nature : Trade, Service of Transportation category

Company Brief

MAPGroup are, first and foremost, a private Freight Forwarding & Moving company listed in Indonesia, with its head office in Bekasi, West Java near the capital city, Jakarta. MAPGroup was established in 1998 under the law of Indonesia.

We are now diversifying, reaching into new markets and expanding our organization into five principal operating divisions;

International Freight Forwarder & Mover Services
Heavy Equipment Transport services
International Trading
General Industrial Equipment Suppliers
Water Management System Suppliers

MAPGroup provides an array of supply, trading and freight services for all types of industries in the country. We are therefore one of the best company⠀ ™ s to assist in fulfilling all the clients needs including setting out the payment terms, matching your budget price, Quality control ( QC) and compliance with customs and export requirements, etc.

On Behalf of MAP we are proud to welcome you to the MAP Group corporate web site http: / / www.mapmovers.com & http: / / wwww.mapmovers.com/ trading We invite you to explore our website and learn more about MAP. We hope you will find everything you need here to understand our business strategy & achievements. Please don⠀ ™ t hesitate to contact our dedicated team to discuss your specific requirements.

Yours faithfully,
RM.Yoyo NS Wijoyo
Managing Director

Major Products / Services


Dengan Hormat,

Saya ingin Memperkenalkan Perusahaan kami, PT. MUARA ADHI Prawira atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai MAPMOVING Kami adalah perusahaan jasa transportasi yang handal dan dapat dipercaya.

Organisasi Kami berjiwa muda, energik yang bereputasi tinggi didukung oleh lebih dari 250 agen di luar negeri dan di seluruh Dunia. Mereka memberi dukungan sepenuhnya kepada kami termasuk klien kami yang telah memberikan kepercayaan penuh kepada kami untuk mengerjakan berbagai jenis pengiriman melalui udara & angkutan laut LCL ( Less Container Load), FCL (Full- Container Load), Break bulking cargo, dll.

MAPMOVING menyediakan layanan segala model transportasi yang terbaik termasuk mengerjakan pekerjaan pindahan rumah, kantor, pabrik & International Freight Forwarding, daftar klien kami adalah Perusahaan Multi-nasional dan Internasional adalah bukti dari kehebatan servis kami. Kami menangani pengiriman melalui pelabuhan-pelabuhan utama Tanjung Priok atau Cengkareng Jakarta, Indonesia, jaringan agen kami terdiri dari Perusahaan terkemuka di seluruh dunia.

Misi kami adalah untuk menjadi sebuah organisasi yang sangat diperlukan dalam pengiriman pasar dunia dengan memberikan harga yang sangat kompetitif. Personel kami sangat terlatih dan berpengalaman, dikombinasikan dengan kemitraan yang kuat membuat kita percaya diri untuk mencapai hal ini dan mengerjakan setiap pekerjaan dengan serius dan berhati-hati untuk proyek besar maupun kecil.

Kami memiliki tenaga kerja yang berdedikasi dari 69 profesional terlatih termasuk 12 anggota bekerja keras Sales & Pemasaran departemen, staf kami telah bertahun-tahun bergabung dengan kami dan sudah banyak pengalaman dalam dunia transportasi udara & laut untuk domestik dan termasuk antar - Pulau jasa relokasi dan didedikasikan untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik untuk klien kami. Kami telah beroperasi dibidang ini walaupun di Jakarta harga sangat bersaing dan kami dapat mengatasi kompetisi pasar karena pengalaman kami dan dukungan kuat dari pelanggan kami setelah meraka melihat pekerjaan kami selama ini. mereka terus memberikan pekerjaan kepada kami pekerjaan yang berulang karena kepuasan servis yang diberikan kepada mereka. Kami menganggap diri sebagai keluarga dekat dengan semua staff kami untuk tujuan yang sama - kepuasan pelanggan!

Hormat saya,
RM. Yoyok NS Wijaya
Direktur Utama


Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to Introducing our Company, PT. MUARA ADHI PRAWIRA or better known as MAPMOVING – an easy to remember name which means β€œthe world in my hand ”! We are a premium integrated mover & freight forwarding services company.

We are a young , energetic , highly reputable organization backed up by more than 250 overseas agents across the World. Their agents give us, and ultimately our clients, the support and guarantees to ensure many kind of shipment via air & ocean freight LCL ( Less Container Load), FCL (Full- Container Load), Break bulking cargo, etc.

MAPMOVING provide the best mover & freight forwarding service in Jakarta, Indonesia and our impressive multi- national client list is evidence of this. We handle shipments through the main ports of Tanjung Priok or Cengkareng Jakarta, Indonesia and thereafter our shipments are placed in the care of our vetted, reputable worldwide agent-network across the globe.

Our mission is to become an indispensable shipping organization within the highly competitive worldwide market. Our highly trained and experienced personnel, combined with our strong partnerships makes gives us the confidence to achieve this and take on any assignment, large or small.

At our headquarters in Jakarta we have a dedicated workforce of 69 highly trained professionals including the 12 hard working members of our Sales & Marketing department, our staff have many combined years of experience in air & ocean mover & freight forwarding inclusive domestic and inter - Island relocation services and are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients. We have operated in the tight, highly competitive Jakarta market and we stand head and shoulders above the competition due to our wealth of experience and our strong customer care focus. This is continually demonstrated to us in the amount of repeat business we receive from satisfied customers. We consider ourselves as a close family with everyone working for the same goal – complete customer satisfaction!

Yours faithfully,
RM. Yoyok NS Wijaya
Managing Director
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