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RT.3 RW.1 Desa Kecapi Dusun karang anyar
Jepara 59461, Jawa Tengah

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Ukir dan Minimalis Furniture - Bedroom set

Ukir dan Minimalis Furniture - Bedroom setMinat beroleh Lebih detail katalog bedroom set seri ukir GRATIS by e-mail?

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Minimalis furniture - Bedroom set 15

Rp. 5.000.000 / 625 usd

Bed matras size 160x200, Tall boy

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc.

30 days warranty.

Bed [ matras size: 160x200 cm]

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc.

30 days....
Minimalis Furniture - Bedroom set 19

Rp. 7.000.000 (875USD)

Bed [ matras size: 160x200 cm] and 2 pcs bed side.

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc.

If you willing get free furniture catalog and price list by e-mail, please sent e-mail....
Minimalis furniture - Bed Room set 22

Rp. 12.000.000 / 1.500 USD

Bed [ matras size: 160x200 cm] , 2 pcs bed side, 1 pcs dresser and 1 pcs Tall boy

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc.

If you willing get free furniture catalog and price list....
Minimalis furniture - Bedroom set 16

Rp.10.000.000 / 1.250 usd

Bed matras size: 160x200 cm, 1 bed side, dresser, and tall boy.

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc.

30 days warranty.
Bed [ matras size: 160x200 cm]

Teak Wood, finishing....
Minimalis Furniture - Bed 23

Rp. 2.500.000 / USD 313

Bed [ matras size: 120x200 cm]

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc.

If you willing get free furniture catalog and price list by e-mail, please sent e-mail to: info@ ....
Minimalis furniture - Bedroom set 21

Rp. 7.000.000 (875 USD)

Bed [ matras size: 160x200 cm] and 2 pcs bed side.

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc.

30 days warranty.

Please visit www.maxhavelaarfurniture.com to see our detail....
Minimalis furniture - Bedroom set 20

Rp. 7.000.000 (875 USD)

Bed [ matras size: 160x200 cm] and 2 pcs bed side.

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc.

If you willing get free furniture catalog and price list by e-mail, please sent e-mail....
Minimalis furniture - Bedroom set 17

Rp. 6.000.0000,- (750 USD)

Bed [ matras size: 160x200 cm] , 2 bed side

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc.

If you willing get free furniture catalog and price list by e-mail, please sent e-mail to: ....
Minimalis furniture - Bed room 3

Rp. 5.500.000 / USD 690

Minimalis Max Bed 3 ( matras size 200x160 cm)
Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc.

If you willing get free furniture catalog and price list by e-mail, please sent e-mail to: ....
Minimalis Furniture - Bedroom set 4

Rp. 12.750.000 / 1.600 USD

Bed Max 4, matras size 180x200 cm, 2 Bed side, Tall Boy, and Dressing table.

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc, 5 mm mirror, brass handle.

If you willing get free furniture....
Minimalis furniture - Bedroom set 14

Rp. 12.000.000 / 1.500 USD

Bed matras size: 160x200, 1 bed side, sofa 160cm, Tall boy, and dresser.

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc, 5 mm mirror, brass handle.

If you willing get free furniture....
Minimalis furniture - Bedroom set 13

Rp. 15.000.000 / 1.875 usd

Bed max 13, matras size 160x200 cm, Cabinet 2 dr 3 dw, dressing tabler, 1 bed side, and 1 tall boy.

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc, 5 mm mirror, brass handle.

If you....
Minimalis furniture - Bed Room set 12

Rp. 12.500.000 /1.500 usd

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc, 5 mm mirror, brass handle.

If you willing get free furniture catalog and price list by e-mail, please sent e-mail to: info@ ....
Minimalis furniture - Bedroom set 11

Rp. 6.000.000 {750USD}

Bed ( matras size 200x160 cm) and 2 Bed side ( 65x45x55 cm)

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc, 5 mm mirror, brass handle.

If you willing get free furniture catalog and....
Minimalis furniture - Bed 10

Rp. 4.000.000 / USD 500

Bed ( matras size 200x160 cm)

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc.

30 days warranty.

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc, 5 mm mirror, brass handle.

If you willing get....
Minimalis furniture - Bed 9 ( laci 2)

Rp. 4.500.000 / 563 USD

Bed [ matras size: 160x200 cm]

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc

If you willing get free furniture catalog and price list by e-mail, please sent e-mail to: info@ ....
Minimalis furniture - Bedroom set 8

Rp. 4.250.000 / 532 USD

Bed [ matrass size: 160x200] and 2 bed side.

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc, 5 mm mirror, brass handle.

If you willing get free furniture catalog and price list by e-mail....
Minimalis furniture - Bed 7

Rp.3.000.000 / 375 USD

Bed, Matras size: 160x200

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc, 5 mm mirror, brass handle.

If you willing get free furniture catalog and price list by e-mail, please sent e....
Minimalis furniture - Bedroom set 6

Rp. 9.000.000 / USD 1.125

Bed 160x200, 1 bed side, 1 dressing table, and 1 Tall boy.

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc, 5 mm mirror, brass handle.

If you willing get free furniture catalog and price....
Minimalis furniture - Bedroom set 5

Rp. 9.000.000 / USD 1.125

Bed 160x200, 1 bed side, satu dresser, and 1 Tall boy

Teak Wood, finishing melamine/ Nc, 5 mm mirror, brass handle.

If you willing get free furniture catalog and price list....
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