Mebel Jati Jepara
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Mr. bahrul [Owner/Entrepreneur]
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Jl.Raya Batealit Rt.09 Rw.02 Bawu Jepara Indonesia
Jepara 59461, Jawa Tengah
Transfer Bank : a/ n. Bahrul Ulum Mandiri Jepara - BNI Jepara
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New Balero 4 Kursi Makan
New Balero 4 Kursi....


MEJA MAKAN SETKami menjual berbagai macam jenis Meja Makan minimalis, ukiran jepara dari bahan kayu jati pilihan dengan finishing melamine/menyesuaikan order anda
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Meja kursi Makan Balero

Price : 2.000.000

balero-seat dining table
Jepara teak furniture
teak wood
finishing melamine
meja makan balero kepang

Price : 2.000.000

dining table and chairs balero braid
Jepara teak furniture
teak finishing with melamine
meja makan kipas

Price : 2.000.000

dining table and chairs fan model
from teak wood selection and finishing melamine.
Meja Makan Salina

Price : 2.700.000

Salina Dining table with 4 chair from Mebel Jati Jepara.
Meja Makan Balero Kotak

Price : 2.600.000

Minimalist Dining Table Balero Box ( 6 + 1)
Solid teak wood selection and finishing strong with melamine add to your dining room looks beautiful and your appetite increases.
meja kursi bar

Price : 1.850.000

bar table
1 set: table + 4 chairs
from teak wood is strong and solid choice in a beautiful swathe melamine finishing makes it look beautiful and dynamic.
Meja makan mawar MPB.373

Price : 2.900.000

Rose dining table 6 chairs from teak MPB.373 choice and jogs foam.
Meja makan Padi MPB.374

Price : 2.400.000

MPB.374 dining table rice made from teak selection, jog foam and finishing melamine / to order.
Meja makan kartini salur MPB. 398

Price : 2.300.000

Dining table 6 chairs MPB.398 Kartini Salur, from material quality teak and strong construction make your dining room beautiful and durable.
meja makan taichi MPB.390

Price : 2.200.000

Taichi sono teak dining table 6 chairs MPB.390 simple and beautiful for your dining room
meja tebal
Large desk logs 10-12cm thick. very luxurious and elegant for the coffee table, dining table, or patio of your home.
Meja Makan jati minimalis kawung

Price : 2.000.000

dining table and chairs kawung 4 chairs carved from teak wood selection and finishing melamine with the color adjust demand.
Meja Makan Balero Kotak 4 Kursi

Price : 2.000.000

Teak dining table 4 chairs bolero boxes of quality teak wood and finishing melamine is perfect for those who like a minimalist model.
Meja Makan minimalis ukir matahari

Price : 2.500.000

Minimalist dining table 6 chairs carved sun. from teak wood with a melamine finishing quality and color to order.
meja makan salina gendong blok mpb

Price : 4.500.000

Dinning table SALINA GENDONG Blok and 6 chairs set.
Meja Makan Salina Blok Bundar MPB 378

Price : 2.700.000

Salina dining table chairs 4 chairs round the block of high quality teak wood and finishing melamine.
Meja Makan Perancis MPB 385

Price : 3.800.000

Perancis dining table chairs 4 chairs round the Jok of high quality teak wood and finishing melamine.
Meja makan limas MPB-388

Price : 4.400.000

mpb 388 Dining Table from " Mebel Jati Jepara" beautyfull and elegant.
Meja kursi makan Balero Kawung

Price : 2.000.000

Balero kawung dining tabel with finishing melamine.
Kursi makan balero meja bulat

Price : 2.500.000

Balero kotak with dining table bundar beautifull.
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