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15th Year
AMARA Furniture
AMARA Furniture
AMARA Furniture

SMS Member Indotrade SMS
15th Year
Registration Date:
Aug. 25, 2010
Last Updated:
Jan. 18, 2012
Business Nature:
Manufacturing, Trade of Furniture & Furnishings category
Company Brief
Thank you for visiting. You are in the right place furniture shopping, because high-quality goods, the price is very competitive, diverse choices and models can be customized to your liking, goods can be sold back at your house with a very large margin, and we send the entire archipelago. We are a furniture company in Solo, Central Java, produces furniture Jepara carving and original minimalist and modern sofa.
Our Products:
1. Minimalist Furniture Carve Jepara, Carve and teak wood.
Desk and guest chairs, tables and patio chairs, dining tables and chairs, couch or bed, toilet or mirror, cupboard, BiFET, bookshelf, desk or couch or easy chair, easy chair, partition, gebyok, cupboard clock, calligraphy , the model is minimalist and classical sculpture.
2. Modern sofa with a design that can fit with your design. Send by fax or email your design, we will calculate the cost of manufacture. Please specify which model you like, you can model photo picture sofa of your friends, magazines, tabloids or the other. Wood and foam our 1-year warranty.
Competitive prices and our service delivery orders to all over Indonesia.
Transactions are safe is our commitment and trust. We thank you for your cooperation & trust the father / mother of our products.
email: mebel_murah@ yahoo.com
Phone: 08122651319
fax: 0271-657628
Rek. Bank BCA: 0150768772 a.n: Sayogyo Utomo, Spd
Major Products / Services
Seller :
  • Pasar Mebel Murah
    Produk kami :
    1. Mebel Ukir dan Minimalis Ukir Jepara.
    Meja, kursi, kursi tamu, kursi teras, meja kursi tamu, meja kursi teras, meja kursi makan, meja makan, dipan atau tempat tidur, kaca rias, almari, bifet, bangku, kursi malas, sketsel, gebyok, almari jam, kaligrafi, model minimalis maupun ukir klasik.
    2. Sofa modern dengan desain yang bisa sesuai dengan desain anda.
    Kirim melalui Fax atau email desain anda, kami akan hitung biaya pembuatannya. Silahkan anda tentukan model yang anda suka, bisa dari gambar foto model sofa teman anda, majalah, tabloid atau yang lainnya. Kayu dan busa kami garansi 1 tahun.
    Harga kompetitif dan kami melayani pengiriman order ke seluruh Indonesia.