All gears are made in case-hardening
steel ( 20 Mn Cr 5 or materials of
equivalent strength and hardenability)
and are submitted to case-hardening,
quenching and stress-relieving, to give
high resistance to static and dynamic
stresses and to wear.
• Hollow output shafts ( standard solution)
are manufactured in nodular cast iron GS-
• The solid output shafts, with single or
double extension ( optional solution)
are made in hardening and tempering
steel 42 Cr Mo 4, or materials of similar
• Housings are made in cast iron G 25
according to UNI 5007 specification,
except OT 56 in aluminium pressure
die casting.
• All the new gearboxes offer a chance to
accept high external loads, both radial
and axial ones, wherever oriented: our
tables give the ratings which can be
applied with no troubles in any
condition, for special application
purposes it is however advisable to
evaluate the possible suitability through
a specific calculation.
• Dynamic efficiencies are very high:
0.96 in the two stage reduction
versions and 0.92 in the three stage
reduction versions.
• It is allowed to operate in particularly
severe conditions of application, still
saving sufficiently satisfactory life
times; in connection with this, we recommend
to strictly adhere to the
indications of our technical catalogue
and, if in doubt, to contact our technical dept