Pupuk Tablet Gramalet® Karet [ Fertilizer For Rubber Tree ][Nov. 6, 2010 20:45:07]
Rubber plants can grow well and produce are high on the soil conditions and climate lowland until height of 200 m ( asl) optimum temperature 280 c, volcanic soil types ranging from young, old and alluvial until peat soil with good drainage and aerase, not stagnant water, soil pH varies from 3, 0-8, 0, and rainfall 2000-4000 mm / year with the number of rainy days 100 -150 days.
Ensure productivity of rubber, in addition to the above requirements is the provision of micro-climates complete nutrients for the needs of the rubber plant. Gramalet ® Rubber granules are fertilizer granulation results into a complete compound tablet ( PMLT) , formulated and manufactured at the factory level with the content and composition of specific nutrients for plants and rubber plantations. Fertilizer tablets will help farmer customers get different nutrients NPK, MgSCa + TE once in each tablet, no longer have to hold a variety of single fertilizers ( Urea, SP and KCL) - which is often not easy to come at once.
Fertilizing plants with tablets have the advantage of rubber:
- Loss of nutrients from fertilizers that occur through leaching and erosion processes can
- Soluble nutrient fertilizer with slow release process ( slow release) so effectively and efficiently can be absorbed by plants,
- Fertilizer application easier, save energy and cost of fertilizer tablet with a specific formula used in a way to immerse / ditugal into the soil around plants with a total accordance with the doses required to
certain period
With full content covering the primary macro nutrients ( N, P, K) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro essential nutrient ( Fe, B, Bo, Mn, Zn, Cl) and presented in the form of tablets 10 gr, diameter 24 mm and a height of 15 mm thick, has been registered with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia No: T905 / BSP / II / 2003.
By using a complete compound fertilizer tablets Gramalet ® Rubber, fertilizer needs only 30-35% of the total amount / dose of a single fertilizer - usually used by farmers ( Urea, SP and KCl) . One ha of rubber plants produce ( TM) , for example, only need about 100 to 300 kg / ha / year - depending on age and population per Ha.
For example, rubber garden fertilizer dosage per 1 ( one) ha with a population density of 500 trees ( TM 1 to TM 5) , a row will require fertilizer each 100 Kg ( TM 1) , 110 kg ( TM 2) , 160 kg ( TM 3) , 250 kg ( TM 4) and 390 kg / ha / year ( TM 5) .
Doses above is very efficient than single fertilizer use on crops to produce TH 4 ( TM 4) , as recommended by the Center for a dose-related Rubber - is 478 kg Urea, 620 SP 36 and 238 kg KCl / MOP or a total dose of 1336 kg / ha / yr. This is different, requiring only 250 kg fertilizer / ha / 6 months. Or, for a population of rubber plant 500 trees per ha, the dose / tree equal to 500 g / Phn / 6 months.
Dose Tablet Gramalet ® Rubber 250 kg / 6 months on TM-4 rubber is secured to have an effective equality of nutrient content of NPK, MgSCa with half x 1336 kg of a mixture of single fertilizers ( Urea, SP36 and KCl) .
Therefore, its use in the rubber plant is very effective and efficient in order to increase farmers' income. In addition to saving labor, cost of transportation to the garden area would be much cheaper ( compared to the cost of transporting 1336 pounds of fertilizer mixed with 250 kg single tablet Gramalet ® Rubber. The advantage of this special fertilizer tablets is its use allows applied in peatlands, wetlands and drainage at the garden poor and stagnant water. Similarly, when the flooded rice fields, fertilizer tablet would effectively give nutrients to plant roots without water flow drift.
Differences between the dose as the recommendations relating Rubber Hall of 1336 kg / ha single fertilizer dose recommendations Gramafix ® with just 250 Kg Rubber-to dikemukan that the effectiveness of fertilizer sown on the surface ( due to evaporation of surface water flow and carried away) - as is generally done farmers in general are 30 percent ( LPT Bogor, 2001) , and others wasted. While other known active ingredients of urea, SP and KCl respectively only 46% , 36% and 60% .
With these calculations can be calculated nutritional opportunities available are 153, 44 kg, equivalent to 11, 4% . That is the reason why the dose of tablets Gramalet ® Rubber only 37, 4 percent ( 250 kg compared to 1336 kg kg / ha / yy single fertilizer recommendation.)
How to make a hole in the circle application / disc around the base of the stem is 2 / 3 projection towards the edge of the crown / tip of the leaf ( Canopy) , and Portugal set point - the point of fertilizer placement in the direction of the hole for four or eight directions of the compass ( 4 points or 8 points) . Half the recommended dose of fertilizer input / year ( split evenly at every point) at a depth of 10-15 cm from ground level. Fertilization is done once per 6 months or 2 times per year and time of fertilization or at the beginning and end of the rainy season.
Fertilization by using fertilizer tablets, has the advantage, among others:
- Loss of nutrients from fertilizers that occurs through the process of leaching and erosion can be reduced
- Soluble nutrient fertilizer with slow release process ( slow release) so effectively and efficiently can be absorbed by plants
- Fertilizer application easier, save energy and cost of fertilizer tablet with a specific formula used in a way to immerse / ditugal into the soil around plants with a total dose required in accordance with
Compound Fertilizer Tablet ( PMLT) using the packaging as follows:
a) packaging in the ( inner packing) : Plastic PE 0, 8-1, waterproof packaging and air, the capacity of 5 kg ( gross weight)
b) The outer packaging ( outer packing) made out of cardboard D / W: a) Size: ( 360 x 355 x 263) mm b) Type of cardboard: K 200 / 150 / K200, c) Capacity: 20 Kg.
With these specifications ensure packaging as transportation, storage and handling of transportation to the garden or between regions, including the handling at the port becomes more secure, inexpensive and easy.