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Mr. Yoga Yuwananto [Owner/Entrepreneur]



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THERAPY GLASS or EYE Glasses Pinhole glasses GLASESS THERAPY is a specific finding that Bates Dr.William known as " Bates Method" with holes for the focus and MENTERAPI SPECIAL EYE VIEW especially RADICAL EYE MUSCLE TRAIN and CYLINDER ( OBLIQ and rectus) is weaker cause the eye to minus, plus or cylinder / glaucoma.

Routine use of at least 30-1hr / day will help normalize EYE MINUS, PLUS, CYLINDER gradually .. WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS! ! ! because ONLY TRAIN and stimulate the muscles-MUSCLE EYE OF WEAK to be able to " WORK" again & even better if " ASSISTED" with the consumption of the fruits of which contain vitamin A ( tomato, apple eaten with the skin, etc.) also obat2 drops or nutritional eye OFFICIAL Health Department, so GLASS EYE VISION Pinhole this glasess TOTALLY SECURE 100% ...! ! ! Image Vision goggles glasses also called therapy, Pinhole glasses, glasses training, etc.
On the face of Vision goggles / glasses therapy / Pinhole glasses look like regular sunglasses. But when viewed from close range carefully, you will find several rows of pinhole-sized holes, located at certain positions are not uniformly impressed magnifications.

For those of you who have both the power of vision disorders myopi / nearsightedness ( minus) , farsighted ( plus) or a cylinder, you will be able to prove himself the truth of the working principle of these glasses when viewing or reading the papers that you can not see clearly with the naked eye then by wearing these glasses you will be able to see clearly even without using glasses lensa.Hal proved that by wearing these glasses will make you focus your eye muscles so that the shadow object falls right in the yellow spots on the retina and hence you can see with clear.

Therapy should be started to address abnormalities in your eyes is to wear these glasses when watching tv or reading continuously for 15-30 minutes every day, so hopefully will naturally strengthen your eye muscles have weakened.

PRINCIPLES VISION glasses / goggles therapy / Pinhole Glasses

Vision Glasses To understand how to function, you must know the reason why the power of vision you become weak. Here are some explanations from the existing images:
There are 2 types of muscle that circles the eye of the retina of your eye. One of them we call the muscle cylinder, serves to suppress the retina and make thicker. Another called radical muscle and its function to pull the retina in order to become thin.
The front of the eye there is a retina. Image moved upwards receiver located at the back through retina.Sewaktu you see a nearby object, the cylinder will push the muscle and muscle will radically expand, making the retina is thicker and bring the retina closer to the receiver, the object will be focused on the receiver. When you see a distant object, the muscle will radically expand, making the retina is thinner and stay away from the receiver. With this object will be focused on a weak eyesight penerima.Daya usually caused by improper reading, poor diet, stress, pollution or contamination of nature as well as diseases associated with eye. There is some pressure that causes the eye muscles are not normal pressure, resulting in objects can not be focused or more recipients as appropriate. This then causes the power of vision to be weak, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and cylinder.
Upward pressure eye muscles will also inhibit blood flow and causes the eye muscles and other components of the eye that does not get the nutrients that should be obtained. Therefore, rest your eyes when tired is very important
Vision Glasses / sunglasses therapy will rest your eyes by shifting the pressure every day. At the same time, holes or cavities glasses makes your eyes focus without aggravating your eye muscles work
Vision Glasses reduce the emission of light entering the eye and increase the focus on you, thus making the object focused as appropriate magnifications denagn

WHO VISION need glasses?

Vision Glasses made specifically for those who wear glasses or contact lenses because of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and cylinders. Can improve weak eyesight power for all groups, including elementary school, junior high school and also adults. Even though the parents. Basically, since you use the glasses, your glasses into a kind of stick in your eye. As a result you are too dependent on your glasses, your eyesight is getting weaker power. Then the drawback of the glasses are glasses need to be replaced when your eyes became weak because of the minus, plus or cylinder increases. By using Vision Glasses, make your eyesight will recover gradually.

HOW TO USE Vision Glasses

If the Glasses Vision does not fit or match the glasses with the size of your face shape. please follow the following ways below:
Boil water in pan ( pan wide glasses) . After boiling turn off the heat.
Soak in therapeutic stem glasses of hot water is approximately 3 minutes.
Stem glasses can then be bent or adjusted to your face.
Allow glasses to cool and harden therapy back to the form that suits you.
Drain Vision Glasses and make sure the water does not enter into the hole glasses.
Do not allow dirt or dust collected inside the hole. Use a small needle to clean. Be careful not to make a hole or cavity enlarges.
Vision goggles can not make miracles only in the use of a day. The eyes of you who wear glasses have become weaker over the years due to dependence on a cane ( your glasses) . Power your vision of starting either at the beginning you wear glasses this is a temporary result. study habits focus of your eyes with sunglasses daily use glasses vision therapy through the eyes a rest and exercises focus on the eye. VISION FOR THE RESERVATION glasses glasses THERAPY, PLEASE CONTACT: YOGA 08128490761 / RENI 082113638861

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