Registration Date: Jul. 29, 2008 Last Updated: Dec. 12, 2011
Business Nature: Trade of Industrial Supplies category
Company Brief
We are a company in Surabaya East Java that provides a variety of products such as iron and steel, Plate, Angle bar, Plate Bar, pipes, Channels UNP, CNP, INP, WF-beam, H-beam, Plain & deformed bars and others. we always try to provide good services and facilities are satisfactory. Honesty size, weight, and the right price has always been our commitment so please do not hesitate to contact us. to the needs in large quantities can we provide in a short time. other than that we provide for product glasswool & rockwool, Liberty wallpaint , polyester putty Yestolac, Thinner Jagoan, flinkote, hammertone, epoxy filler that has proven its quality. We also have a workshop for sandblasting process ( anti-rust) & Engineering. We are a one stop shopping for the needs of STEEL-TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT & BUILDING MATERIAL. Opening Hours Monday-Friday 08.00-16.00 Saturday 08.00-14.00
Major Products / Services
Cooperation :
kami menawarkan kerjasama kepada pabrik, kontraktor, developer, toko bangunan, pengerajin, bengkel untuk mencoba, menggunakan, menjual, mendistribusikan produk kami kepada masyarakat khususnya masyarakat jawa timur. untuk info lebih lanjut hub 031 7492219 hunting Fax 7484620 Email :
We offer cooperation to manufacturers, contractors, developers, buildings material shops, specialist craftsmen, workshops to try, use, sell, distribute our products to the community especially the communities of East Java. for more info hub 031 7492219 Fax 031 7484620 Email: