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jl Todopuli VI Puri Taman Sari A4 no.13
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Pisang Ambon asal Sulawesi[Jan. 6, 2012 21:38:26]
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Pisang Ambon
Type Liqueur

Manufacturer Pembangunan Sulawesi
Country of origin Sulawesi Indonesia
Introduced 1948 by Dutch Colony

Alcohol by volume
Colour Bright green
Flavour Banana

Pisang Ambon is a brand of Dutch liqueur produced, distributed and marketed by the House of Lucas Bols.[ 1] It has a dominating banana flavor, with additional tropical fruit nuances, and a bright green colour. It is based on the recipe of an old Indonesian liqueur. Pisang means banana in Malay/ Indonesian and Ambon is the name of an Indonesian island which was once a Dutch colony.
Recently a purple version has been released, called Pisang Ambon Guaraná Lime. Unlike the original, this liqueur is mixed with cola instead of orange juice.
Type Liqueur Manufacturer Lucas Bols B.V. Country of origin The Netherlands Introduced 1948 Alcohol by volume 21.0% Proof 40 Colour Bright green Flavour Banana