Pupuk Majemuk Tablet Gramalet® Cengkeh [ Clove Fertilizer ][Oct. 19, 2010 21:26:21]
Improving productivity and quality cengkeh ( Eugenia aromaticum ) is done by providing Gramalet® cengkeh in the market. Gramalet® is complete fertilizer tablet ( PMLT ) which is formulated and manufactured specifically for garden and crop nutrient. Gramalet® would help farmers get a variety of customers as well as fertilizer nutrients in one tablet . With complete nutrient content , Gramalet® a primary macro nutrients ( N , P , K ) , secondary macro ( Mg , S , Ca ) and micro essential elements ( Fe , B , Bo , Mn , Zn , Cu , Cl ) and presented in the form of tablets, 10 gr , fertilizer formula was registered at the Ministry of Agriculture Decree No: T851/ BSP/ VIII/ 2002 .