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    Murottal Terjemah 30 Juz

    Rp 59.900
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    Al Quran a holy book containing a guide that will guide the safety of life both in this world nor in the Hereafter. It was explained that Al-Quran is an indication ( hudan) for men, distinguishing ( Furqan) between haq and wrong and also explanatory ( parrots) on the instructions. ( Q, Al Baqarah 185) .

    Therefore, Muslims obliged to learn, understand, and practice of Al-Quran. Allowing myself to read the Quran every day is an activity that is very good. Good habits that wherever possible we transmitted to other family members.

    To facilitate us to learn and understand the Qur' an, are now available Murattal CD MP3 Al-Quran Juz 30 who completed translations. For those of us who do not understand Arabic, Murattal CD is certainly very helpful. In addition to listening to the reading of Al-Quran Juz 30, presented by the Grand Mosque imam, Abd ar-Rahman as-Sudais and Ibrahim bin al-Syuraim Su' ud, we can listen to the translation into Indonesian.

    This MP3 CD contains four pieces
    CD1: Letter Alfatihah - Al An' am
    CD2: Surat Al A' raf - Al Kahf
    CD3: Letter of Mary - Azzumar
    CD4 Surat Al Mukmin - An nas

    Now there' s no reason to not understand the content of the Qur' an. Murattal 30 Juz Al-Quran and translations will help us in studying the Quran. Furthermore, I hope we can practice the values that guide book in everyday life. Amen.

    for reservations, please contact the ' Pernik Muslim' + 62 ( 031) 5963404
    or SMS + 628563364677,
    or email support [ at] pernikmuslim.com.
    Or visit our website at http: / / www.pernikmuslim.com

    Direct link to the product: http: / / pernikmuslim.com/ murottal-terjemah-30-juz-p-1273.html

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