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    Parfum Non Alkohol

    Rp 14.500
    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order

    Specification :

    Perfume is a need for every Muslim, is not sunnah for the Muslim setaip to wear perfume when they wanted to worship.

    Well this perfume is a non alcoholic fragrances suitable for Muslims, who want to run the Sunnah of worship by wearing perfume, with a distinctive aroma and long lasting.

    Non-alcoholic perfume has a gentle aroma ranging from not overpowering, sweet, fresh, and the other aroma2, like fragrant flowers. Kemasannyapun practical to roll on bottles, so no need to worry about spillage during use.

    If confused choosing the preferred flavor, please consult our customer' s Friend PernikMuslim.com. Hopefully can help provide the information you need. : )

    for reservations, please contact the ' Pernik Muslim' + 62 ( 031) 5963404
    or SMS + 628563364677,
    or email support [ at] pernikmuslim.com.
    Or visit our website at http: / / www.pernikmuslim.com

    Direct links to products:
    http: / / pernikmuslim.com/ parfum-non-alkohol-p-1183.html

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