CEI Anthracite Filter Media
CEI Anthracite Filter Media | 021 84937805 | CEI Anthracite Filter Media | CEI Anthracite Filter Media | CEI Anthracite Filter Media | CEI Anthracite Filter Media | CEI Anthracite Filter Media | CEI Anthracite Filter Media | CEI Anthracite Filter Media | CEI Anthracite Filter Media | CEI Anthracite Filter Media | CEI Anthracite Filter Media
CEI Anthracite' s 1.3 uniformity coefficient can provide many benefits in granular bed filters.
Benefits include:
� Increased plant capacity by the use of higher filtration rates
� Lower backwash rates in dual- and tri-media filters
� Better production efficiency due to longer filter cycles at higher filtration rates
CEI Anthracite offers customized comparative analysis between the uniformity coefficient of 1.3 and the traditional higher uniformity coefficients. The analysis summarizes the annual savings realized from reduced fresh water.
Our media systems provide water and wastewater facilities cost savings to allow utilities to remain competitive by reducing costs. CEI Anthracite offers filter media systems designed to fit municipal budgets.