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Industrial RO System (Brackish Water) UNG - 6000
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Water Purifier - Industrial Reverse Osmosis System - (Brackish Water System)
Water purifier for brackish water, using RO System technology. It can eliminate salt solution and molecule in the water. Suitable for industries and etc.

Feature :
1. Automatic Control System.
2. LCD control Display.
3. Stainless Steel Booster pump.
4. Low pressure safety shut-off switch

Model : UNG-6000 GPD RO Brackish Water System (PLC Controller)
Diproses Melalui Tahap
1. Sediment Filter = 1 Unit (Manual)
2. Chemical Feeder= 1 Unit (Semi Automatic)
3. Multi Media Pre Filter = 2 Unit (Full Automatic)
4. RO System 6000 GPD = 1 unit, terdiri :
- Membrane RO BW4040 4 Pcs
- RO Pressure Vessel SUS304 4*40â 4 Pcs, End Insert : PVC, SUS304
Pipe Connection
- RO Pump Stainless Steel Multistage Booster Pump 3HP 1 Pcs
- Chemical Feeder 2 Pcs
- Transportation Pump 2 Pcs
- Control Panel: TDS Meter/µS/CM Meter, Programmable Logical
Control Digital Display, Automatic Control
Kapasitas Produksi Air : 6000 GPD / 24000 Liter/Hari (24 Jam)
Pemakaian Listrik : 4400 Watt

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