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Fire Suppression[Sep. 17, 2011 3:39:16]
PriceHarga: hub: Mulyadi,(021)-93138022
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Pyrogen group is an international company, recognized for the pioneering of the condensed aerosol fire suppression technology.It is the international patent holder for this technology.The group is principally involved in the R& D, manufacturing and trading of this technology. Its range of products are marketed under the trademark Pyrogen which has been certified by various certification bodies such as CSIRO, US EPA SNAP, ABS, ECB and Bureau Veritas. It is also ISO9001: 2000 certified.
Pyrogen fire suppression product gained worldwide acceptance as the more environmentally friendly and effective alternative to Halon based solution when the world' s first standard Australia/ Standards New Zealand was published.
Pyrogen fire suppression products are sold worldwide, through direct regional offices and authorized distributors. With the most extensive overseas penetration in the aerosol fire suppression market today, the Pyrogen group will continue to focus on building its competitive advantage through product quality and innovation.

How Pyrogen works?
Pyrogen is an aerosol fire extinguishing agent. The principle of Pyrogen operation is unique- a special solid formulation within a non pressurized canister, when electrically or thermally activated, generates an aerosol exhibiting excellent fire extinguishing characteristics. The aerosol consist of a suspension o micron sized particles in a mixture of naturally occuring gases comprising mainly of nitrogen.
Upon activation, the aerosol propels itself rapidly into the protected are, attacking the fire both chemically and physically, and almost instantaneously extinguishes it. Homogeneous distribution is achieved in a matter of seconds, while its long suppression time helps to prevent the fire from re-ignition.

1. Power distribution
2. Construction
3. Telecomunication
4. Marine
5. Transport
6. Mining
7. Machinery
8. Oil & Gas
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