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Mr. Harry Bambang, MSc [Marketing]


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Fax number of Mr. Harry Bambang, MSc at Bogor


JL Arzimar I/ 16-B Bantar Jati Gunung Gede
Bogor 16152, Jawa Barat

Showroom & Workshop Jl Raya Banjaran No 222, Bandung Selatan 40376, Jawa Barat, + 62-812221160
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Alat Fermentasi Sampah Organik ( Compost Bin ) Type L
PriceRp 595.000,- (Fob Bandung)
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
QuantityKemasan Plastik Wrapping Per 1 Unit
Pack. & DeliveryPlastik PE
Tools Fermentation of Organic Waste ( Compost Bin) Biophosko ® Compost Bin with Dimension ( Height = 90 cm, diameter = 55 cm) , made of HDPE plastic drum ( kind of strong materials) , would be a tool for demonstration of environmental and waste management ( especially organic waste remnants household such as: food, paper, food waste, vegetables, fish and meat, etc.) . Teach waste as household waste material usage, and Hospitality and Restaurant in the school cafeteria into something useful - into compost and liquid fertilizer - will be useful for learners in understanding the process of decomposition ( fermentation by bacteria) , organic waste categorization, knowledge microorganisms, knowledge of C / N ratio for complete decomposition, the types of probiotic bacteria, the introduction of microbiology, nutrient enrichment and direct practice of waste processing and farming.

Teaching materials produced from sewage treatment is also useful in maintaining soil fertility and the supply of nutrients for your plants to school. Simple in its application. Capacity Composter Type L at 0, 12 m3 of waste or 30 kg, will be able to process waste from approximately 7 days of household garbage. For unknown household, every soul take out the trash approximately 2, 6 liters per day or 13 liters per family house with 5 / family. In carrying out the processing of organic waste, follow the procedure below:

First, prepare the household organic waste ( food scraps, vegetables, fruit peel, fish and meat) and try to materials has been chopped into small pieces ( 10-50 mm / 5 cm) . Capacity Composter ( Type L) with high-dimensional diameter ( 90 cm and 55 cm) is + / - 0, 12 m 3 ( cubic) or equal to 30 kg of organic waste. For domestic waste households or restaurants and restaurants, making small-sized garbage is not difficult. Apart from the households is small, do perajangan also not too bothered because the small amount of chopped-chopped chopped with a kitchen knife or tool other chopper.

Second, the small size of the organic waste input into the mixing container like a plastic or " jolang" or bucket. Then mix the bulking agent ( bulking agent) Green Phoskko ® 1-3% organic matter, equivalent to 0, 9 kg to 30 kg of organic waste ( the size Composter Type L) and stir until evenly distributed.

Third, when the absorption of bulking agent ( bulking agent) into the waste material, on the other place ( bowl or bucket to-2) prepared a solution of probiotic microbes-Green Phoskko ® Compost Activator ( bacteria aktinomycetes aktinomyces naeslundii-species, species Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Bacillus Brevis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, yeast, and fungi and Cellulolytic Bacillus Sp.) Way, take 6 tablespoons of microbial compost activator - if available add 1 tablespoon granulated sugar or molasses ( molasses) or 1 tablespoon granulated sugar and dissolve it in water as much as 10-15 liters. Stir until evenly by stirring a few times and then can be sprayed directly to the pile of material or waste which has been mixed with a bulking agent ( step 2 above was) slowly, little by little to save 2-4 hours in advance will be even better.

Fourth, after the estimated dissolved evenly and enough water ( if the pile of organic waste in the container was gripped does not drip when squeezed but still no water) , put the compost material into the composter. A few days later heat reaction will occur up to 70 degrees Celsius, if any can be measured by using a thermometer. At the time of the hot reaction try not to remove the cover for complete decomposition occurs.

Fifth, on days 5-6, the decomposition reaction in the composter to be completed and when it can be added additional organic waste which has been prepared as steps 1 through 3 above. Or, if deemed necessary, on days 7-9, if the temperature is below 30 degrees C or considered cool, can be removed or harvested Composter compost from the bottom ( which is cooked in advance) through the bottom of the door are available . Compost material is still wet, sticky and humid so that should be kept in the shade to get the wind and covered by the bag packaging for aerated. So in a few days later ( usually 3-5 days) which was originally wet compost material will be dry and crumbly. Then, if for sale, sifted up to terpisahkaan between small grains with large grain material. Actually, a large compost can be ground or used for your plants. Compost small grain input into the packaging as planned. So now you have made your own compost to be ready for sale or to use for your garden plants.
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