Pupuk Gramafix® Jagung -Specific Fertilizer For Corn
Gramafix® Jagung as a fertilizer formula specific for corn plants crop. It’ s contain complete essential ingredient such as macro nutrient Nitrogen, Phosphorus, kalium / Potassium ( N, P, K) , secondary nutrient enriched ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro essential nutrient as : copper, Chlor, manganese, zinc, boron, molybdenum, iron ( Zn, B, Bo, Cl, Mn, Fe) . Each tablet contain formula composition 22-7-11-2-4-3 + 1 ( micro nutrient) . The formula registered at Ministry of Agriculture of Republik Indonesia Number : T903/ BSP/ II/ 2003 .
Complete nutrient essential, which as tablet former type 3 gram netto weight- 7mm height- 12 mm diameter- grayish white colour - made fertilizing efficient increasingly using. For example, 1 ( one) ha corn crops / plants need 130 kg Gramafix® Jagung / ha/ season only - as same as 35 % than single fertilizer totally amount as usually farmer using such as Urea, SP-36 and Kalium / Potassium. Gramafix® Jagung made more efficient fertilizing increasingly and furthermore, Gramafix ® Jagung could growing up farmer and estate company income.
Packaging with dimension above that carton D/ W ( K 200/ M 150/ K200) and plastic PE 0.1 mm made Gramafix® Jagung get safety guarantee and easy to moved, storage or transportation also port handle.