Keperluan Taman Organik [ Granules Organic Fertilizer ]
Organic fertilizers can be made in various forms including bulk, tablets, pellets, briquettes, liquid or granules. Selection of the calculation depends on the effectiveness and efiensi use, costs, mobilization costs and marketing aspects of the other. One of the many categories used in current organic fertilizer is a granule.
The main function of organic fertilizer use is not a fertilizer granules but providing organic C and - in limited numbers, also the main macro-nutrition ( NPK) , secondary nutrient ( Ca-Mg-S) and micro-full ( Fe, Zn, B, Mo, Bo, Cu, Co) and complex organic compounds ( enzymes and organic acids complex) , and beneficial microorganisms.
Another benefit of organic fertilizer granules is to improve the physical fertility ( texture) soil in the long run, stimulate soil microorganism activity, save the use of chemical fertilizers, inorganic. This organic fertilizer product also contains extracts of biological pesticides, free mushroom spores / fungus, weed-free seeds / weeds, free eggs / parasites of pest, pathogen-free bacteria, free of toxic gases and odors and to improve overall plant production ( quantity, quality of appearance, taste, color, aroma, and durability of storage) .
As most natural fertilizer ( organic) , organic fertilizer granules have no adverse side effects to the plants and the environment, and plant products safe for human health. Made from a mixture of compost, zeolite, dolomite, natural phosphate, phosphate guano and slender palm ash as well as other probiotic bacteria.
Practical can be applied as basic fertilizer, saving the use of chemical fertilizers factory ( inorganic) of 35-50% , can be used as basic fertilizer and / or fertilizer supplement. Dose Usage:
Food crops ( rice, soybeans, corn, peanut, rice huma and the like) : 1 - 2 tons / ha was given before planting ( after the cultivation of land) by way of sowing. Giving granules on food crops can also be sown rice at 20 to 25 days.
Crops and Horticulture ( vegetables, chili, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower and the like) : 2 - 4 tons / ha, given before or during planting with it running or around the plant.
Crop Plantation: 2.5 to 5 kg / tree, given the surrounding roots by making a circular trench at a distance of 2 / 3 projection towards the canopy ( canopy leaves) .
Ornamental Plants and Breeding ( media) as a mixture with chaff, soil and other growing media.