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Registration Date: Dec. 13, 2009 - Last Updated: Oct. 5, 2011
Business Nature : Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Gifts & Crafts category
Currently, many activities or events that require information support for this activity. One supporter held the goods in the form of plaque which is intended as a souvenir. Aside from being a gift or gifts, plaques maupunTROPHY can also be used as one of the media campaign for our products or activities that will be / or already implemented so that it can be used as a memento. We CV.RIZKY ABADI as an entrepreneur in the field of production of plaque to help everyone to realize the desire that the procurement of plaques or Trophy. We are a Home-Based Business ( home industry) with support from partners.
However, we will pay attention to the order in accordance with the needs of the date of the event. Type of plaque: Plaque Crystal Plaque Resin, Fiber Plaque, Plaque, Acrylic, Crystal Plaque, Wood Plaque, Plaque, Laser, Crystal Cup, Cup Resin, Fiber Cup, Cup Acrylic, Krystal Cup, Wood Cup, Cup Laser, Crystal Trophy, Trophy Resin Trophy Fiber, Acrylic Trophy, Crystal Trophy, Wooden Trophy, Laser Trophy, Crystal Trophy, Trophy Resin, Fiber Cup, Cup Acrylic, Wood Cup, Trophy Laser, Crystal Awards, Award Resin, Fiber Award, Acrylic Award, ETC often we have received orders are usually for the need Seminars, Training, Workshops, Symposium, Raker, and others. We serve the order for parties large and small. For contact info on the no 0811104210 or ( 021) 70705004 or you can click adv.indonetwork.co.id rizky_abadi_http: / / Rizky_abadi_Adv.indonetwork.co.id
Business Nature : Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Gifts & Crafts category

Company Contact
Name: | Mr. Slamet Daroni [Director/CEO/General Manager] |
E-mail: | |
Mobile Number: | |
Phone Number: | |
Fax Number: | |
Address: | Pusat Perdagangan Senen BLok I lt II No. C 17-21-22 Jakarta 10410, Jakarta Indonesia |
- Pusat Produksi Aneka Jenis Plakat
Company Brief
Place of Production Center, Buy Sell, Cheap, Make Sedia Sale Create a Plaque, Trophy, Awards, Cups, Granite Inscription Acrylic Wood Resin Crystal Print Services Provide Rapid Preparation Make Quick Find Cheap Fast: Plaque Crystal, Resin Plaque, Plaque Fiber, Acrylic Plaque, Crystal Plaque, Wood Plaque, Laser Plaques, Crystal Cup, Resin Cup, Cup Fiber, Acrylic Cup, Cup Krystal, Wood Cup, Laser Cup, Crystal Trophy, Resin Trophy, Trophy Fiber, Acrylic Trophy, Crystal Trophy, Wooden Trophy, Trophy laser , Crystal Cup, Goblet Cup Resin Fiber, Acrylic Cup, Cup of wood, Laser Trophy, Crystal Awards, Award Award Fiber Resin, Acrylic Award, ETCCurrently, many activities or events that require information support for this activity. One supporter held the goods in the form of plaque which is intended as a souvenir. Aside from being a gift or gifts, plaques maupunTROPHY can also be used as one of the media campaign for our products or activities that will be / or already implemented so that it can be used as a memento. We CV.RIZKY ABADI as an entrepreneur in the field of production of plaque to help everyone to realize the desire that the procurement of plaques or Trophy. We are a Home-Based Business ( home industry) with support from partners.
However, we will pay attention to the order in accordance with the needs of the date of the event. Type of plaque: Plaque Crystal Plaque Resin, Fiber Plaque, Plaque, Acrylic, Crystal Plaque, Wood Plaque, Plaque, Laser, Crystal Cup, Cup Resin, Fiber Cup, Cup Acrylic, Krystal Cup, Wood Cup, Cup Laser, Crystal Trophy, Trophy Resin Trophy Fiber, Acrylic Trophy, Crystal Trophy, Wooden Trophy, Laser Trophy, Crystal Trophy, Trophy Resin, Fiber Cup, Cup Acrylic, Wood Cup, Trophy Laser, Crystal Awards, Award Resin, Fiber Award, Acrylic Award, ETC often we have received orders are usually for the need Seminars, Training, Workshops, Symposium, Raker, and others. We serve the order for parties large and small. For contact info on the no 0811104210 or ( 021) 70705004 or you can click adv.indonetwork.co.id rizky_abadi_http: / / Rizky_abadi_Adv.indonetwork.co.id
Major Products / Services
- Seller : Jual: Plakat Kristal, Plakat Resin, Plakat Fiber, Plakat Akrilik, Plakat Crystal, Plakat Kayu, Plakat Laser, Piala Kristal, Piala Resin, Piala Fiber, Piala Akrilik, Piala Krystal, Piala Kayu, Piala Laser, Trophy Kristal, Trophy Resin, Trophy Fiber, Trophy
Jual: Plakat Kristal, Plakat Resin, Plakat Fiber, Plakat Akrilik, Plakat Crystal, Plakat Kayu, Plakat Laser, Piala Kristal, Piala Resin, Piala Fiber, Piala Akrilik, Piala Krystal, Piala Kayu, Piala Laser, Trophy Kristal, Trophy Resin, Trophy Fiber, Trophy Akrilik, Trofi Crystal, Trophy Kayu, Trophy Laser, Trofi Kristal, Trofi Resin, Trofi Fiber, Trofi Akrilik, Trofi Kayu, Trofi Laser, Award Kristal, Award Resin, Award Fiber, Award Akrilik, DLL
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