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studio imajinasi rumah arsitek

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14th Year
studio imajinasi rumah arsitek
studio imajinasi rumah arsitek

desain rumah imajinsi

desain rumah imajinsi
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  • rumah imajinasi" hummer house"

    rumah imajinasi" ....

    one of our designs are interesting as an example is a house with a car theme " Hummer" which is the imagination of the owner who is a military man by combining home design and....

  • rumah imajinasi" couple dance"

    rumah imajinasi" ....

    a house built on the idea of imagination rumah.kami owners aware of tersebuat and we invite you to build your imagination into your housing form

  • rumah imajinasi " tropis modern"

    rumah imajinasi " ....

    This tropical home located diperumahan sidoarjo.klien pearl cottage we want housing that feels homey even though the shape and space programs offered by modern minimalist concept....

  • rumah imajinasi" say with flower"

    rumah imajinasi" say....

    interesting concept of this house is " flower house" based on the owner' s desire to create and build a house with a modern style with a petal transformation relations.

  • rumah imajinasi " simbolisasi bapak ibu"

    rumah imajinasi " ....

    desain mulai 50.000 /m2

    a house-influenced style of art deco is in the region Bangkalan madura has a focused approach to the game if the geometry is composed into a form that is balanced, although not....

  • rumah imajinasi " vertical barcode house"

    rumah imajinasi " ....

    This house is one of the fruits of our work, is the region Rungkut with contemporary architecture that we give the theme of " vertical barcode house"

  • rumah imajinasi" hummer house"

    rumah imajinasi" ....

    ocated area of Perum Juanda hope gorgeous, the houses we design and build is a collaboration between the minimalist and thematic architectural styles with unique results that....

  • rumah imajinasi " joglo pendopo jagong"

    rumah imajinasi " ....

    joglo home pavilion " jagong" are examples of our projects are located on the slopes arjuna. Our design for the recreational needs of families who are more oriented to public....

  • rumah imajinasi " split level"

    rumah imajinasi " ....

    home in Surabaya Juanda region is a two-storey house that looks like a one-story section looks fasade.it' s unique as residential homes who want to blend with the surrounding....

  • rumah imajinasi " long and patio"

    rumah imajinasi " ....

    rumah dengan luasan yang ekstrim 15 x 50 , merupakan rumah seorang warga negara australia yang bertempat tinggal di jogja.mengimajinasikan extreme home area is 15 x 50, is the....

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