Registration Date: Nov. 18, 2005 Last Updated: Jan. 12, 2012
Business Nature: Trade of Industrial Supplies category
Company Brief
SUMBER MANDIRI, engaged as a retailer of Air Conditioning Spare Parts. Established in 1999, SUMBER MANDIRI has an extensive experience in the supply of Air Conditioner ( AC) units and spare parts. We have served and supplied to numerous factories, apartments, hotels, restaurants, office buildings, hospitals, malls, contractors, etc.
To us, service is the uppermost thing. Our customers are our partners, where their ideas and suggestions will always receive our highest considerations. If you are interested in establishing a cooperation with us, please do not hesitate to contact us and we are ready to serve you.
* Office & Store *
- Jl.Buni Raya No.51a Mangga Besar ( 021-6298077) Jakarta Barat
* Store *
- Mall Kenari Mas Lt Dasar Blok D 8-9 ( + 6221-3901050) Jakarta Pusat
- Mall Lindeteves Trade Center Lt GF 1 Blok A8 No.1 & 5 ( + 6221-30063735) Jakarta Barat
- Pertokoan Glodok Jaya Lt Dasar Blok C No.24-25 ( + 6221-6266725) Jakarta Barat
- Pertokoan Kenari Baru Lt Dasar Blok C No.4 ( + 6221-3900388-89) Jakarta Barat
- Komplek Ruko Bancuey Kav C-4 No.88 ( + 6222-4219209-10) Jl.ABC Bandung
- Pertokoan Glodok Metro ( + 6221-62307077-6289939 ) Jl.Blustru No.44 Glodok Metro