Registration Date: Aug. 8, 2010Last Updated: Sep. 7, 2011
Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Industrial Supplies category
Company Brief
Introduce us is PT.SUPLAI CHAININDO SOLUTION a Supply and EPC Company. Division; Piping System and intallation. Our unit engaged in the field of Piping Consultants, Piping Engineering, Piping Contractor and Trading Piping.
We are a consultant who can provide guidance and consultancy from concept, application, pipe line design, Mechanical and Electrical, P & ID for the product that is appropriate based on mutual agreement.
We are an Engineering who can provide direction and responsibility of construction, according to the quality and standards based on existing systems and design, ranging from implementation, inspection, test the feasibility as well until an operating system.
We are the Managing Contractor who can provide the supporting force of labor; start of the financial system, supporting Machine tools working, skilled and educated workforce as implementing a project. We are a professional contractor who is supported by adequate resources of equipment and resources appropriate workers, job security system based on National and International( Safety System / K3LL) .
We are Supplier and distributor that provides materials in the field of Piping and Equipment Industrial, Building, Sanitary, Ventilation, Mining, Oil & Gas. These products consist of Pipes, Valves, Instrumentation flow meter, Fittings, Compression Fittings, Mechanical Joint Pipe fittings and Accessories, Tools, Machine and so on.
These products can be used in applications WATER, WASTE, CHEMICAL, GAS and AIR.
We sell various brands of products, of course, a price that competes ( competitive) and the guarantee of quality based on standards that you want, also consulting products that comply with the application was undertaken.
For that we will serve the material needs of the product you need with the assuredness TIME, STOCK PRICES for Market and in Indonesia.
We, PT. SCS ( PT. Suplai Chainindo Solusi) , are a supply chain and EPC ( Engineering, Procurement and Construction) Company.
Moving forward from supply chain services on machinery, equipment and parts for the industries, we are progressively entering supply chain of EPC Projects.
Based on local and worldwide experiences and supports, this will be a strength points for successfully supplying of goods and performing EPC projects. The worldwide support of parent companyâ € ™ s branches are spread out in more than 32 countries of 5 continents all over the world.
Starting in 4th quarter of 2007 and early of 2008 PT. SCS is speeding up to accelerate the penetration to industries especially in EPC projects. Some EPC projects of equipment supply and site construction which has been well performed are as a proof of success of the penetration.
As a strategic mission, PT. SCS utilize the strength in networking for supporting & partnership from professionals and companies. This is intended to professionally organize the works of supply chain services and EPC projects within internal expertise resources and specialized expertise outsourced. The network for supporting & partnership are included but not limited to Engineering, Manufacturer, Logistics, Heavy and Extraordinary Transportation, Fabrication Yard Facility, Construction and Maintenance Support Task Forces for such as partial overhauling.
Resources of expertise and experiences within the organization are performing and will perform a strong close direction to the partnership arrangement which the partnership will be as a Joint Operation, Consortium or Business to Business subcontracted scopes. For instance for this arrangement, they are the strategic partnership / affiliation with some fabricators & engineering houses.
With the strength points and supporting from overall expertise resources, networking and the internationally reputable company as one of the parent company, PT SCS is confident to deliver the qualified services to customerâ € ™ s satisfaction and loyalty. Supports of the resources and networking are covering management, technical and financial aspect.
Major Products / Services
Seller :
Perkenalkan kami adalah PT.SUPLAI CHAININDO SOLUSI a Supply and EPC Company. Divisi; Piping System and Intallation. Unit kami bergerak pada bidang Piping Consultant, Piping Engineering, Piping Contractor dan Trading.
Kami adalah Consultant yang dapat memberikan arahan dan konsultasi mulai dari konsep, aplikasi, design pipe line, Mechanical and Electrical, P&ID sampai produk yang sangat tepat berdasarkan hasil kesepakatan bersama.
Kami adalah Engineering yang dapat memberikan arahan dan tanggung jawab pelaksanaan dilapangan; sesuai dengan mutu dan standart berdasarkan system dan design yang ada, mulai dari Pelaksanaan, Inspeksi, Uji coba juga kelayakan sampai sebuah system beroperasi.
Kami adalah Contractor Pelaksana yang dapat memberikan kekuatan pendukung kerja; mulai dari financial system, Peralatan Mesin pendukung kerja, Tenaga kerja terampil dan terdidik sebagai pelaksana sebuah project. Kami adalah contractor professional yang didukung dengan sumberdaya peralatan yang memadai dan sumberdaya pekerja yang tepat guna, berdasarkan system keamanan kerja Nasional dan Internasional (Safety System / K3LL).
Kami adalah Supplier dan Distributor yang menyediakan Material dan Equipment di bidang Piping Industri, Building, Sanitary, Ventilation, Mining, Oil and Gas. Produkproduk tersebut terdiri dari Pipa, Valves, Instrumentasi flow meter, Fittings, Compression Fittings, Mekanikal Joint dan aksesoris penyambung Pipa, Tools, Machine dan sebagainya.
Material produk yang kami jual terdiri : MDPE, HDPE 100, HDPE 80, CPVC, UPVC, PVC, ABS, PVDF, PTFE, PPH, PPR, PEX, CAST IRON, SEAMLESS, GIP, dan STAINLESS STEEL.
Produk tersebut dapat dipakai di aplikasi AIR, LIMBAH, KIMIA, OIL&GAS dan UDARA.
Kami menjual bermacam merkmerk produk, tentunya dengan harga yang bersaing (kompetitif) dan terjaminnya kualitas berdasarkan standarisasi yang anda inginkan, juga konsultasi produk yang sesuai dengan aplikasi yang dikerjakan.
Untuk itu kami akan melayani kebutuhan material produk yang anda perlukan dengan keterjaminan WAKTU, STOCK dan BIAYA untuk Pasar di Indonesia.
| Cooperation :
We, PT. SCS (PT. Suplai Chainindo Solusi), are a supply chain and EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) Company.
Moving forward from supply chain services on machinery, equipment and parts for the industries, we are progressively entering supply chain of EPC Projects.
Based on local and worldwide experiences and supports, this will be a strength points for successfully supplying of goods and performing EPC projects. The worldwide support of parent company’s branches are spread out in more than 32 countries of 5 continents all over the world.
Starting in 4th quarter of 2007 and early of 2008 PT. SCS is speeding up to accelerate the penetration to industries especially in EPC projects. Some EPC projects of equipment supply and site construction which has been well performed are as a proof of success of the penetration.
As a strategic mission, PT. SCS utilize the strength in networking for supporting & partnership from professionals and companies. This is intended to professionally organize the works of supply chain services and EPC projects within internal expertise resources and specialized expertise outsourced. The network for supporting & partnership are included but not limited to Engineering, Manufacturer, Logistics, Heavy and Extraordinary Transportation, Fabrication Yard Facility, Construction and Maintenance Support Task Forces for such as partial overhauling.
Resources of expertise and experiences within the organization are performing and will perform a strong close direction to the partnership arrangement which the partnership will be as a Joint Operation, Consortium or Business to Business subcontracted scopes. For instance for this arrangement, they are the strategic partnership / affiliation with some fabricators & engineering houses.
With the strength points and supporting from overall expertise resources, networking and the internationally reputable company as one of the parent company, PT SCS is confident to deliver the qualified services to customer’s satisfaction and loyalty. Supports of the resources and networking are covering management, technical and financial aspect.