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Mr. Ir. Sonson Garsoni [Director/CEO/General Manager]


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Y!: brand_mngr 
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Phone number of Mr. Ir. Sonson Garsoni at Bandung

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Mobile number of Mr. Ir. Sonson Garsoni at Bandung

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Fax number of Mr. Ir. Sonson Garsoni at Bandung


Jl. Pungkur No 115 B
Bandung 40251, Jawa Barat

Showroom & Workshop Jl Raya Banjaran No 222, Bandung Selatan 40376, Jawa Barat, + 62-812221160
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Mesin Produksi Pupuk Kompos ( Compost Machine) RKE 1000 L[Nov. 2, 2010 17:07:51]
PriceRp 19.500.000 ( Loco Bandung)
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
QuantityPer 1 Unit CKD
Pack. & DeliveryPallet Kayu ( Wood Pallete & Plastik PVC)
Changing the organic waste into something useful like compost and liquid organic fertilizer, it will be useful in maintaining soil fertility, increase soil humus layer, loose soil binding and as a nutrient supply for plants around the environment itself as a garden in the residential, hotel, restaurant, and industrial environment. Compost can also be sold to farmers, or consignment to dealers of ornamental plants in urban areas along the road, the owner of the park, among hobies plants and flowers and planters. Now compost also has become a key ingredient in organic fertilizer granules on a large scale by the state-owned fertilizer. Useful compost to improve soil structure, the necessary plant nutrients will be available. Microbes present in the compost will help the absorption of nutrients that plants need. The land will become more loose. Plants are fertilized with compost will grow better.

Basically, compost is produced in the decomposition process properly, can improve soil fertility and chemical fisiik which will further enhance crop production. In horticultural crops ( fruits, ornamental plants, and vegetables) or the perishable nature of plants that are almost impossible to be planted without compost. Similarly, in the field of plantation, the use of compost is proven to increase crop production. In the field of forestry, the plants will grow better with compost. Meanwhile, the fishery, age, maintenance is reduced and the fish pond, maintenance aged 7 months to 5 to 6 months. Compost makes fruits and vegetables taste better, more fragrant and more massive. This has encouraged the development of organic crops, in addition to a healthier and safer because of not using pesticides and chemical fertilizers it feels better, more brittle, and fragrant.

Making compost is practically done by using Electric Rotary Klin RKE-1000 L-dimensional [ Height = 190 cm, width = 155 cm, length = 290 cm) made of metal and fiber resin, reducer, electrical motor 3 HP and other aeration equipment. Composter Rotary Klin RKE L-1000 operated commercially as Compost Treatment Plant City ( IPKK) on Disposal Waste Temporary ( TPS) , central market, neighborhood, village and can also be moved as needed ( mobile) . IPKK with Rotary Klin Composter machine tool motor engine will provide income for anyone looking to take advantage of city garbage around their homes such as retirees, companies, hotels, restaurants, cooperative employees, the cooperative market, SME entrepreneurs and anyone interested in doing business with the use of compost municipal waste in particular. Some examples of the use of large scale using several units, among other foundations Composter Itikurih Kab Bandung, Majalengka Environmental Office, BLH Manokwari Papua, Environmental Office of Bekasi, Bapedalda Donggala Central Sulawesi, Maluku Prov Sanitation Department, Papua and its commercial exploitation in West Kutai , plantation company in Balikpapan, Korea Foreign Company in Papua, PT Gudang Garam ( PT) , PT Brigestone Bekasi, etc..
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