AVTech AVP 101 Keyboard Controller For Speed Dome Controls up to 64 devices through one keyboard controller ( Devices such as the PTZ camera, DVR and door access control...etc....
Counting machine for coin DYNAMIT TC200 & DYNAMIT TC 220 See our another product: Http: / / www.wahanasuksesmakmur.com More information: William S 0815-81-33333 021.6872-1333 021....
Fingerprint, Proximity card & Password Time Attendance & Access control with Colour LCD " true colour 8" & Camera Video. Time Tech F30 Feature: Identification Methods : ....
DVR Standalone 8 Ch Real Time IMPAQ 7008 With HDD 250 GB SATA 1 Years Warranty * Specification, Feature & Price : See Product Cataloq Information: Wahana Sukses Makmur....
IMPAQ DVR 4 Ch Real Time With HDD 160 GB SATA 1 Years Warranty * Specification, Feature & Price : See Product Cataloq Information: Wahana Sukses Makmur ITC Mangga Dua....
HID ProxiProx 4045 ( Access Control with Proximity card + PIN ) Standalone single door proximity reader Information: William S 0815-81-33333 021.6872-1333 021.6230-0642 ....
More Information & order Wahana Sukses Makmur 0815-81-33333 021.6872-1333 021.6230-0642 021.6812-8558 Fax. 021.6230-0642
MONEY COUNTER BC-01 Astronic FEATURES: â € ¢ Auto start counting mode: Put banknotes on hopper and then machine will began counting automatically. â € ¢ Addition function: under this....