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solo central fibre
Priority Member Indotrade Priority 15th Year
solo central fibre
Contact Information
Mr. ekbal yasir
Instant Messaging:
Y!: centralfibre@yahoo.com 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. ekbal yasir at solo
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Mobile number of Mr. ekbal yasir at solo
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. ekbal yasir at solo
tanjungsari, rt.04/03, ngesrep, panasan, Solo
solo 57375, Jawa Tengah
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sepeda air bebek angsa water paddle ,  kura - kura dan kuda laut dari fiber glass dan stainless untuk rekreasi air perahu
aquabike, swan, duck, kuda laut , waterpaddle, watercycling, cycle water paddle, for water pleasure and sport. bike, aqua bicycle
mini perahu boat perahu kecil pedal tangan paddle rekreasi air wisata
mini boat with hand paddle. is veri good for water recreation for child water sport. dimension 145 cm x 120 cm x 45 cm
playground large made from fibaerglass and silver. creat in any models and dimension

finishing : painting and vernish
tooter kuda kudaan per jungkitan goyang
kids play tooter slide swing animal models, like horse, fish and etc
kayak dayung kano canoe kapal fibreglass boat canoe kanoe
cano canoe kano perahu sport , creat from fibreglass, is very nice for water sport and entertainment business
cano kayak rowing polo arung jeram
cano kayak for river sport. creat in any style and dimension. creat from fibreglass. we also can make with your own design.
relief taman air mancur fiber
waterfall relief from fibreglass. its very beautifull for your home. we also can make with your own design.
gazebo fiber glass outdoor untuk media iklan produk bisa dibranding
gazebo for outdoor , sweeing pool, from fiberglass, fiber glass, with 4 chaisr and 1 table. can displayed branding.
slide seluncur waterboom kolam renang
pool slide for kids and gentle man. created from fibreglass. dimension slide 100 cm x 50 cm
kayak K2,  canoe,  kayak,  kano fibreglass
canoe, kayak, englands standart
for PON Indonesia
creat in single, double , 4 man.
creat from fibreglass
mini train kereta api mini lengkap denga rel
mini electric train for children. created in amused model. it is very good for amusement park
fruit chair kursi buah untuk taman bermain
fruit chair from fibre glass in various models and design like banana, stawberry, melon and etc
kiddie ride fiberglass toys
any kinds of indoor and outdoor toys like playground, kiddie ride, aquabike, animal swing, train, mc Donald doll, and etc.
rowing dayung scully
rowing single double 1x 2x and 2- and sports. created from fibreglass, alumunium and stainlesssteel.
Perahu nelayan fibre glass
ship from fibre glass. creat in any design and dimension. we also can make with your own design of ship
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