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Katalog Produk : Stretch Film, Plastic Wrapping, Stretch Films, Stretch Wrapping, Stretch Equipment, Plastic Wrap, Machine Stretch Film, Stretch Wrapper, Stretch Wrap, Stretch Wrap Film, Hand Stretch Film, Plastic Stretch Wrap, Stretch Film Packaging
Priority Member Indotrade Priority 15th Year
Contact Information
Mr. Edi Marlon Manik
[Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Google Talk:  weiexpert  weiexpert
Y!: weiexpert 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Edi Marlon Manik at BEKASI
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. Edi Marlon Manik at BEKASI
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. Edi Marlon Manik at BEKASI
Jl. Cempaka Baru II No. 57 RT 001 / 05, Jati Waringin, Pondok Gede
BEKASI 17411, Jakarta
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Welcome to World Expert Indonesia

You are now in the right place

We are here as your best partner. Feel as in your home when joining with us. We are in the market since 2008 to provide a best quality products and services, complete, and a good price.
We also guarantee a good quality, a fast delivery and handled by our friendly and skilled staffs

We are exist as a business partner to give you solution. As for us, hoping you must be exist, survive and sustainable in your business.

We provide the best service before sales, during and after sales.

In particular, we currently engaged in the production, distribution and marketing several products such of packaging products and laboratory equipment.

See our catalog Product group for detail of our product

We prepare our products for local market and international or export market.
" Being the largest and fastest growing companies in the handling of all business enterprises and become the market leader to maintain our existence in pursuit of an International company for national and international organizations

Fully committed in responding to customer needs, market demand and solving existing problems through the provision of products and services that are comprehensive and quality, human resources are friendly, well trained and competent management, a systematic and controlled, reliable and accurate service, the available infrastructure and integrated services and information and technology based

" Providing a systematic, fastest and most reliable in all our business activities in order to maintain our existence as a market leader on the national and international organizations "

1. Improve customer satisfaction and reduce customer complaints
2. Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of production processes and services

Our motto is " QUALITY INNER ONE STOP SERVICE " or Innovative, Excellence, Respect, quality, and One Stop Service.

In our activities, we strive to create and explore many ideas to expand and develop quality products, solutions that are always effective and efficient and also provides products with excellent service.

We saw all the problems and needs that you face like the one in our company. Attention and comprehensive settlement will be given. For us you are a partner who should be heard so that you will find comfort and sustainability in your business.

We maintain product quality and excellent service for your company and continue to improve methods of service all day to serve you.

For more details about the product , Please see our product catalog

1. We respect your need for solving problems and give the best. For us, you are partners who must still exist and sustainable in your business.
2. Your company will get the " Innovative, Excellence, Respect and Quality of One Stop Service " .
3. The ease and convenience of doing business because of the overall settlement.
4. Human Resources-friendly, comprehensive, experienced, trained and competent.
5. Guaranteed product quality
6. Competitive price, good service and fast delivery.

What are you waiting for? Use our products at soon. Enjoy our service that focuses on your satisfaction . We guarantee our products quality and its supplies, competitive price, fast delivery, and satisfactory service.

We give special price for every buying in large quantity and routine order. We also replace products if any there does not match what was agreed.

Do not waste your time for searching another vendor, take this moment at soon, your satisfaction is our focus of service.

Contact us at soon :
Marketing Office : Jl. Cempaka Baru II No. 57, Jatiwaringin, Pondok Gede, Kode Pos 17411
Telp : + 622184990244, + 622184990245
Fax : + 622184990245
Mobile : + 62813 1411 4626
PIN BB : 22893026 ( Please add me)

ym : weiexpert
gtalk : weiexpert
skype : edicassanop
Medan office : + 6281396082677
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