Specification :
Product Description
1) Our medical x-ray machine is equipped with double diagnostic table and x-ray rubes, tube voltage is 125kV or 100kV, single direct bridge full-wave commutation.
2) X-ray tube capacity protection, anode starting-up protection and radiograph time-limit protection device semi-conduct controlled, fluoroscopy computed time device, x-ray tube over-hot protecionare provided, ensure x-ray tube run safely long time, improve accuracy of kV mA S.
3) Bigger scope of rotation diagnostic table, movable table muli-item spot-film device, easy to operate, radiation – proof, ensure operate and the tested.
4) Radiography table can move lengthways and crossover, can loaded all kinds of radiography dark box, use conveniently and it is beautiful.
5) This medical x ray machine can be applied in all kinds of hospital for radiography such as general body, beam filtration, and chest.
more particular information:
http: / / www.medical-x-ray.com/ products/ Medical-X-ray-Machine/ Con ventional-RF-X-ray-Unit/ show_129.html
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