Specification :
Fire Extinguishing Ball
Fire Ball
Fire Extinguishing Ball is a ball shaped fire extinguisher. Simply thrown into a fire, it will activate within 3-5 seconds and effectively disperse fire -extinguishing chemicals. When a fire occurs and no one is present, Fire Extinguishing Ball will self-activate when it comes into contact with fire and give a loud noise as a fire alarm. Because of this feature, it can be placed in any fire prone area such as above electrical circuit breaker, buses, godown or in a kitchen. There is no special training or skill required to operate the ball and no need to face the dangers of the fire. No inspection and maintenance are required for the product life span of upto four years.
Product Specification
* Shape of the Device : Spherical Shape
* Weight of the Ball : 1.3 Kg
* Covering an Area : upto 4 square meter upon activation
* Main Chemical used : Mono Ammonium Phosphate
* Outside film : PVC / PVE
* Foam : Pen foam - recyclable - contain no CFC and HCFCS, Environment Friendly
* Fire + Breaker : In rubber tube of Fire Extinguisher Ball
* Activation Time : 3-5 Seconds of exposure from flames
* Extinguish Class : A, B and C Fires