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Welcome to PT.Cahaya Lintas Samudra.Cargo

PT. CLS Logistics International Freight Forwarder is a company founded in 2005 and has been in trust and experience, office center in Jakarta ( Indonesia ) , and representative offices in China( GuangZhou, Yiwu, Shanghai) , Singapore, Bangkok and Korea.

Our Service:
1. Door to Door service FCL / LCL Sea Freight, Air Freight.
2. Consolidation and transhipment handling.
3. Export-Import customs clearance including.
4. Warehousing, stuffing, transport and pick up.
5. Sea / Air freight, import export license and document.
6. Insurance, inspection, forms E and custom tax refund.

We serve you better than the other
Your Import Partner
+ 62819 777 820 77 / + 6221 9888 1368

You may click the "Company Info", "Products Catalog" and "Contact Us" to browse and see other informations of PT.Cahaya Lintas Samudra.Cargo's website.
Custom Door To Door FCL/ CIF port Indonesia
Sea Freight