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Priority Member Indotrade Priority15th Year

It is our pleasure to introduce our company to you. Power Parts Diesel was founded in 2000 as a private company.

Over the years through meeting many challenges, hard works, determinations and much active learning, we have grown to where we are today.

As a company, we are dedicated to providing superior products and services to the generator and the heavy equipment industry.

Towards this end, we strive always to strike a harmonious and dynamic working relationship with our principals and customers most of whom have had a long pleasant history with our company as well as with our highly trained and motivated staff.

On the human side of our company, we go out of our way to provide maximum opportunities for human resources development. We believe that through our tireless investment in this area, we will, over the medium and long haul, be able to build up a solid foundation to serve and be committed to serving, all our past, present and future valued customers.

That' s our corporate philosophy which we hope will stand us in good stead for the future.

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Contact Information

Mr. Joni [Sales]
Jl. Taman Sari Raya. Komplek Asem Reges No.4OK
Jakarta Barat 11150, Jakarta
Valid Address
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Joni at Jakarta Barat
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. Joni at Jakarta Barat
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. Joni at Jakarta Barat
Email : powerpartsdiesel@ yahoo.com
Windows Live: powerpartsdiesel@windowslive.com powerpartsdiesel@windowslive.com
Google Talk:  powerpartsdiesel  powerpartsdiesel
BlackBerry PIN: 26AEEA1C 26AEEA1C
Y!: powerpartsdiesel