PT.TINSON GROUP INDONESIA is a freight company and Custom Clearance Services Export-Import, Official Nor Wholesale ( All-In) , Process Management Customs, to importers who do not have the legality of....
PT. DUTA WAHANA KOMUNIKASI, involved in marketing communications activities Above the Line & Below The Line Activities, EVENT ORGANIZER & Production House located in South Jakarta. Founded in 2000....
We are trend setter in Fuel Cell and Renewable Energy Business
PT. ACI is a manufacturing and trading company for the chemicals: 1. Electroplating ( degreasing, electro-degreasing, acid inhibitor & accelarator, rust remover, acid cleaner additive & brightener....
Clean Room - Heat Ventilation Air Condition - Mechanikal Electrical
Memproduksi kemasan cetak shrink label dengan bermacam material seperti PVC, PET-G, OPS, POF, PE Shrink untuk kemasan botol, kaleng, kosmetik, makanan, dll
Welcome to PT.Perkebunan Nusantara IV ( Persero) PT.Perkebunan Nusantara IV ( Persero) Head Office Address Letjend Suprapto 2 Medan 20151 Sumatra Utara - Republic of Indonesia
Air Raksa ( Mercury) Product berkualitas ( Import) dari Negara CHINA PT.Indo Guna Cipta Jl.Kusumawardani H-14 Kec.Semarang Selatan Kota Semarang - Jawa Tengah ....
Berlian Kartika Sari Company Adalah Persekutuan Dagang Komanditer Yang Yang Dimiliki Sepenuhnya Oleh Pengusaha Swasta Nasional. Perseroan Berdiri Sejak Tanggal 10 Mei 2008 Berdasarkan Akta Notaris....
Specialist on UHP water jetting cleaning MAWP. 36000 psi completed with standard accessories ( OEM) , Hydrotest cleaning, Chemical cleaning, Bolting torque & tightening works, Pig cleaning & ....
PT Prisma International is a provider of helicopter hire the best that can be tailored to your needs. Applied specifically: - Tour - Business rates: Helicopter Bell 407 helicopter....
International PT Nusantara Established March 13, 2002 In accordance Provisions Applicable in the Republic of Indonesia With the establishment act Notary Association Mardiana Karlini Hutagalung. Sh No....
PT Shannand Agung Bali is well known in Indonesia and abroad such as Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Timor Leste as a manufacturer of traditonal spa product using the finest ingredients and beauty....
adalah distributor/ Supplier bahan bangunan SEMEN yang mengutamakan pelayanan terbaik untuk konsumen dengan harga yang kompetitif dan bersaing dengan yang lain, moto dan visi kami adalah menjual dan....
A. Serving the maintenance of customs clearance .... attention we give our many thanks. Sincerely, PT.ABDISETIA CARGO LOGISTICS UDIN 0813 14565454 0812 81198291 E-mail: udin.import @ yahoo....