Sells all types of LED Lamp Neither Indoor, Outdoor. For there Indoor Lamp type: Office, Downlight, Wall Lamps, Lighting Berets. For there Outdoor Lamp type: Floodlight, Garden Lamp, Light Tunnel, ....
Our main business are General Supplier especially Printing Services ( Digital Printing and Offset Printing) , Uniform Manufacturing Services, Corporate Gift and Thermal Paper ( Thermal and NCR) for....
https: / / watch? v= bC01QzxdL10
Our company is engaged in the field of Radio communication for a long time. And we now holds the legal licenses for the brand of ALINCO, Radion, SmartTrunkSYS, Hytera ( Conventional) and Motorola ( ....
We are the sole agent of products from Thermo Fisher Scientific for Indonesian market focusing in elemental analysis ONLY. Thermo products has been well known for its quality and advanced....
FKC International develops unprecedented, all-natural health supplements that are used around the world. FKC products are developed by scientists as an approach to healing and health using the....
We, PT. Sinar Pramesti Elifly, are a branch helicopter services of International Air Operator named ELI-FLY ( http: / / ) whose headquarter is in Italy. ELI-FLY has great step forwards....
Experienced in datarecovery since 2002, Pusat penyelamatan data, harddisk , PC, LAPTOP, SERVER, NAS STORAGE, External harddisk, dll datarescue, WINDOWS, LINUX, NOVELL NETWARE, MACINTOSH, ....
Together we intend to introduce our company, PT Tagen Labelindo. Our company, PT Tagen Labelindo engaged in manufacturing printing Labels ( Self Adhesive Labels) . For over 20 years our company....
The PT.ARITA PRIMA INDONESIA Tbk is the first and the only one valve company in indonesia who go public. The product category we selling is valve, instrumentation, water system & technology and....
Is engaged in all dimensions of the Global Business and Investment, intermediaries, black market, marine and livestock agribusiness, the sale of heavy weapons fire and light, sales of precious metal, ....
PT. Lion Metal Works Tbk. has develop their business in Indonesia on August 1972 in Jakarta. The company business activities are manufacture of Steel Office Equipment, Warehouse Equipment, ....
tps: / / watch? v= UAsxOJ3i-Yw https: / / watch? v= eK qzhVfJp2k https: / / watch? v= xmCEA8AmoHk https: / / m/ watch? v= ....
Heytex Indonesia as the official distributor for Membrane Material 700 gsm, 800 gsm and 900 gsm blockuot for applications dome tents, cones, party, umbrella, sarnavile, membrane, etc. Heytex ensure....
PT. DWS, stood from 1992 in central Jakarta Wisma Cormic, we are Distributor of Material Handling The pallet HAND, HAND LIFT / stacker, pallet MASH, ELECTRIC SCISSOR LIFT, DLL