Car Rental Samarinda Daily ( Charter) With or without driver Car Rental Monthly ( Contract) , Full Maintenace, Asuransi All Risk, 24 Hours Emergency Call Service Samarinda , East Borneo Call....
Car Rental In Samarinda City Monthly or daily service Call dedy.085250312179 for reservation
we invite domestic and foreign investors to cooperate in managing the copper mines located in the area of Bone, South Sulawesi with an area 7614 hectares according to the information the Board of....
CV. Geoborneo provides bored pile ( drilled shaft) for construction in East Kalimantan. We produce bored pile precisely with with high quality concrete. Please contact + 6282233554555 for further....
Geoborneo Teknotama provides soil investigation survey, topographic survey and bored pile drilling. Soil investigation including Cone Penetration Test, Standard Penetration Test, soil laboratory test....
SHIP PARTICULLAR Name Of Vessel : MT. BAKTI 2 Flag : Indonesia Type Of Vessel : Double Bottom Single hull
Our company consortium would like to offer franchise of Celular Fibro Concrete, Production capacity of the plant - 5 MT per hour The Franchise are includes the following: 1.1 Project design of....
We are a company engaged in natural resources waste product and essential oil trader
For Samarinda and surrounding area we provide Fuso Truck, Dump truck, Tronton etc.
Trade in goods and services, Equipment Rental, Truck, Tronton, Fuso, Forklip and Crane, computers ( Computer Networking, Software Development, Management Server, Virgin and Pebaikan, Website Creation....
rental of lighting tower/ tower lamp for coal mining. for this time units are avalaible cap. 4 x 1000 watt
our company specially are steel fabrication and construction, Labor supply, material Supply and rent out of equipments personal contact : Hendri Bahar email : hendribahar@ borneopentacom Phone : ....
BEE & WASP CONTROL PROGRAME ( BCP ) Operation of bee , wasp along with its den in location of Mining & residence . use PPE standart , peaceful method to human being and environmental friendliness....
DIMENSI JAYA PEST CONTROL is not your regular neighborhood PEST CONTROL company. We utilize new proven innovative ideas to naturally control nuisance created by all kinds of pests. We highly promote....
Herewith we invite investors to cooperation Coal mining in East Kalimantan Royalty Fee system, with a land area � � 2000 Ha, KP permission for Mining Production ( Mining permit/ IUP Production ) , ....
A. Untuk jasa Maintenance and Services yang kami tawarkan meliputi : 1. Pemborongan pekerjaan untuk perawatan dan perbaikan kantor meliputi fasilitas kantor, gudang, taman, equipment. 2.....
general supply, maintenance and services, manpower supply
PT.Alam Rasa Semesta spesialist repair Sumersible pump and jet pump
We are an agency transport that serves for samarinda coal to the region and Kutai Kartanegara the , we have 60 units barge. you are interested can contact us, and we will serve you.
Our Agent to serve the transportation of coal to Samarinda and Kutai Kartanegara.
We offer cooperation for companies and government agencies in the procurement of air tickets Koorporate ( Invoice Payment System) with the engagement agreement we made. we provide competitive price, ....
DIVIYA TOURS & TRAVELS, PT. Companies engaged in the field of tourism, Services Tours & Travels. Especially in the city of Balikpapan, Perjalalan Travel Agent * Provide Ticketing Domestic & ....
For investors, we offer for cooperation ranging from the manufacture of bird' s nest up to operations, and also to us who will manage the sale, our management fee is 15% of the sale.
we are local businessman and work with other person like official, political, and public of borneo. we invite investor for coming and interesting with business in borneo, like coal of mine, project....