! Safety shoes Krushers 085691398333, jual sepatu safety krusher, jual sepatu safety, jual krusher safety shoes, Krushers Wallaroo, Sepatu safety Krushers, Safety shoes Krushers, Hub : 021-40911748, 0856 9139 8333, E-mail : mia_ brsinaga@ yahoo.com.[Dec. 8, 2015 6:17:39]
Krushers featuring T.P.U ( Thermo Plastic Urethane) offers many benefits over conventional soling material. Check out these benefits and compare them to the brand you currently wear and see why it makes sense to change to KRUSHERS
-. T.P.U long wearing. Best abrasion resitance of all sole materials
-. Twice the wear of polyurethane and three times the wear of rubber
-. T.P.U toughest soling material. Resist cracking
-. Eight times the crack resistance of polyurethane and rubber
-. T.P.U longer shelf life than P.U
-. Hydrolysis and microbial resistant
-. T.P.U lightweight
-. T.P.U oil, acid, and chemical resistant
-. T.P.U colorfast. Will not mark floors
-. T.P.U last longer. Is more cost effective compared to all other soling materials.
Krushers Boot Strength
KRUSHERS have been designed and engineere in Australia to meet the harsh outback conditions. Krushers are tough and strong and keep going when other safety shoes have broken down or worn out. The superior Krushers T.P.U sole will not split, cack or suffer from hydrolysis like other shoe soles. Make your budget go futher by wearing the lng lasting Krushers brand
Krushers Nitrile Rubber - Polyurethane Sole
KRUSHERS are now available with a Nitrile Rubber outsole combined with a soft lightweight polyurethane midsole. This sole provides beter perfomanceagainst slip and heat hazards than normal urethane soles.
Hub Mia : 021-40911748, 0856 9139 8333, E-mail : mia_brsinaga@ yahoo.com.