We produce Polyfoam, can be shaped sheet, or POP ( Point Of Purchase) Advertising, Plate Hanger, Display, etc. Basic sheet size 100 x 200 cm, but can be cut to any shape as desired customer.....
Folding mosquito nets various sizes and price, economical and practical
This Unique and Rare Watches. Rubber Bracelet Watches can Functioning as accessories. Watches Trendy That will add to the impression. The watch bracelet is made of silicone rubber and elastic....
We Produce Quality super Coconut Palm Sugar with a Coin, Batteries, Shell and also bars. We also manufacture Coconut Sugar Ants Sugar Ants And Aren, with the desired standards of fineness and....
Firstcom FC-135 Two-way Radio Emergency Call Vox Function ANI Code 8 Scramblers Three color LCD backlight display - 128 groups of memory channels - VHF 5W / UHF 4W output power - Wide ( ....
we sale all kind of bed set, bed cover, blanket and all kind of towel for hotel with good kwaliti
we are in general trading company we sale bed set and bed cover and also we sale all hotel used exp: bed set, blanket and all kind of towel
Drum besi maupun drum plastik bekas kami telah di recondition oleh para pekerja kami yang sudah terlatih di bidang masing-masing, apabila anda berminat anda bisa menghubungi kami untuk menjadi fatner....
Perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang recondition drum besi ataupun drum plastik dengan segala ukuran, usaha kami mulai berjalan sejak tahun 2000, adapun usaha kami ini adalah sebagai pembeli juga....
jasa bengkel, dan perdagangan dan supplier bidang pertanian, perternakan, dan olahan hasil laut
LX- P008 LIQUID PVC BRAND INJECTION MACHINE This machines is apply to soft PVC product, such as PVC label, car mat, foot mat, cup mat, photo frame, key chain, mug , fridge sticker
Dong Guan Lixin Machinery Co., LTD is a distributor selling mould machine brand silicon / pvc and rubber to fulfill home and big industry. The item we sell are as follow: - AUTOMATIC DRIPPING....
anginribut2012 anginribut2012 anginribut2012 anginribut2012 anginribut2012 anginribut2012 anginribut2012 anginribut2012 anginribut2012 anginribut2012 anginribut2012 anginribut2012 anginribut2012....
PIYAMA GW 19 PRICE : 49, 000 SIZE : 95( 1Y) , 100( 2Y) , 110( 3Y) , 120( 4Y) , 130( 5Y) , 140( 6Y) CUTTING NORMAL, BAHAN ADEM Untuk pemesanan bisa hubungi : Nama FB : Alen Baby....
Online baby shop. Visit us : www.facebook.com/ alenbabys.
Jerrycan 30 lt HDPE use for packaging such as oil, water, alcohol, thinner etc
we are the plastic packaging specialist, our produck are blowing and injection such as : jerrycan, bottle, and pail, we also recieved job order, special color etc.
dedicated to my friends who want to expand marketing of its products in the virtual world
ION Science FirstCheck+ Series 4-Gas ( O2, % LEL, CO & H2S) PLUS PID VOC Detection ( 10.6 eV Krypton PID Lamp) .
HygroFlex3 - HF3 R-Type / S-Type Measures relative humidity and temperature and calculates the dew/ frost point in offices and rooms where good looks play a role. W-Type / D-Type Measures....
We area agent of Gas Detector Asikeco USA, Phymetrix USA, Kimessa, AG Switzwerland in Indonesia. And sell, calibrate, lease of, Flowmeter, Levelmeter, Pressure Transmitter, Dew Point Analyzer, ....