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CV ERELHAES REHJAYANA Supplier : Laboratory Equipment, Glassware, Electrical Test, Measuring Instrument, Civil Laboratory Testing Equipment, etc.
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Mr. Hendrik [Marketing]

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Jl. Muhtar tabrani. Perum Bintang Metropol Blok A-7 No 16
Bekasi 17122, Jawa Barat

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HANNAWater Analysis to Measure pH, Redox, Conductivity, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, Turbidity, Chlorine, Ammonia, Copper, Chloride, Phosphate, Iron, etc
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Water Analysis to Measure pH, Redox, Conductivity, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, Turbidity, Chlorine, Ammonia, Copper, Chloride, Phosphate, Iron, etc
HANNA INSTRUMENTS Calibration Checkâ„¢ pH/ mV/ Temperature Bench Meter HI 3220
HANNAâ € ™ s HI 3220 professional bench meters is designed to provide laboratory results under harsh industrial conditions.

HANNAâ € ™ s HI 3220 meter features up to 5 point....
Hanna Instruments pH/ mV Bench Meter Perfect for Quality Control Applications HI 2211
HANNA' s HI 2211 is a microprocessor-based pH, mV and Temperature bench meter.

This instrument is equipped with a large easy-to-read LCD which shows the pH ( or mV) and....
HANNA INSTRUMENTS Calibration Checkâ„¢ pH/ mV/ ISE/ Temperature Bench Meter HI 3221
HANNAâ € ™ s HI 3221 professional bench meter is designed to provide laboratory results under harsh industrial conditions.

HANNAâ € ™ s HI 3221 features up to 5 point calibration....
HANNA INSTRUMENTS HI 3222 Calibration Checkâ„¢ pH/ mV/ ISE/ Temperature Bench Meter with 2 Channel Input
HANNAâ € ™ s HI 3222 professional bench meter is designed to provide laboratory results under harsh industrial conditions.

HANNAâ € ™ s HI 3222 meter features up to 5 point....
HANNA INSTRUMENTS HI 4222 Research-Grade pH/ ISE Dual Channel Bench Meter
HI 4222 is a dual-channel, research-grade laboratory pH Bench Meter with a backlit 240 x 320 dot-matrix color screen and millesimal measuring resolution. Features include auto....
HANNA INSTRUMENTS HI 2215 pH/ mV/ ° C Professional Meter
The HI 2215 is a 0.001 pH resolution microprocessor based pH and Temperature bench meter that can also measure Oxidation Reduction Potential ( ORP) in mV. Relative mV feature is....
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