Specification :
FireDeTec WHAT?
FireDeTec is an automatic fire extinguishers are looking for the source of the fire and extinguish the source through a tube detector dealer as well as act as a flexible fire. This hose is made of polymer material khus
Because the tracer fire hoses installed in the equipment to be protected so that it can detect a fire at a very early stage and therefore did not use sensitive equipment, it will not be affected by dirty air and moisture. Pressurized hose and dilintaskan FireDeTec installed on protected areas ( avoid surface temperature over 80oC) . In the event of fire, the hose will become soft and break at the hottest point, enabling quick and accurate cuts. Gas / fire extinguishing material directly into the source of the fire and simultaneously activate an alarm or relay circuit breaker electric, gas volume extinguisher can be adapted to local conditions. Various kinds of tube size and length of hose available FireDeTec accordance with the desired tracking.
There are various sizes of 1, 5 kg to 50 kg / tube. For larger size consists of a series of many tube.
Including use in: Chimney Smoke, Control Panels, Cables, Cabinet Display / Showroom, Automatic Machinery, Escalators / stairs running, Transmitter, Vehicles, Vessels, Boiler, Chiller, Genset.