Cake base- vanilla sponge cake, Filling- mango mousse, Topping- mango jelly, dark chocolate Please Visit us at http: / /
We offer all the people in Surabaya City with our Fine Cakes and Desserts at http: / / We serve also for your Wedding Cake and Wedding Room Decoration For further Details, please come and....
Korin Inti Wira Engineering is widely recognized as an innovative market leader in the vertical and horizontal packaging machines industry ( Principle) based in Surabaya, Indonesia. We are proud to....
we are manufacture of Coconut skin handycraft, we produse any kind of handycraft from coconut skin with different motif and design. the " Lampu Keong" is one of master piece of our product
Firstly we would like to introducing our company. We are Yag-Yag Indotrade, moving for manufacture, trading and quality insurance. We have thousand items models, start from indoor, bathroom....
We offer training in sample preparation techniques and instrumental analysis, especially for pharmaceutical industries, medicine, food, environmental, etc by using GC, HPLC, spectrofotometer etc.
Our company offers test kit for formalin and boraks with high quality but cheaper. This company has a division for giving consultancies to industries to solve their problem related to water and....
1 pcs is burned  ± 45 minute. The function are for meditation, Yoga, custom ceremony, and for ordinary Hindu people apply to pray. For room fragrance and as drug anti mosquito. Material : Burner made....
Sandalwood with typically fragrant aroma and many see in indonesia... Now...... by skilled hands of the nation child, can make sandalwood become crafting like : prayer beads, trapeze frankincense, ....
Our variety of samurai product we made have a finest quality of material which is specially import from Japan. We have business relation that is also connect with one of the finest manufacture....
Kita adalah perusahaan yang sudah didirikan sejak tahun 1997 dan menjalankan bisnis ini di areal export dan import.
# # VANILLA TAHITIAN SUPER # # SIZE : 15 cm up Price : FOB USD 22.00/ kg Moisture : 20% - 30 % Content : 1.5% - 2.3 % Origin : Papua Indonesia Capacity : 2 - 5 Ton/ month Interested in this offer, pls....
CV. SILVER KING is a newly set up company stepping into the export market of VANILLA SUPPER. We can supplay regularly High Export Quality Vanilla Tahitian ( Tahitensis) & Planifolia ( Bourbon) Up to 5 ....
Antique marble table for sale. Unscratchable even by knife. Always cool and the light will get through when centered with torch for 30 cm distance.
We provide and sell variety of local rice with good quality from East Java with competitive price.
Original Honey From Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia was taken from kesambio' s flowers by distillation processed to decreace water degree. Good for health and beauty
Availabel for wadding pary, Happy birtday and othres collection
Provide invitation & souvenir mainly for wedding party
We are company of Rigid Plastics Packaging Specialist Design to many product types, among others: food , flesh ( meat) , milk ( dairy) , obat-obatan ( healthcare) etc. Process to print tidiness....
We are company of Rigid Plastics Packaging Specialist Design. to many product types, among others: food, flesh ( meat) , milk ( dairy) , obat-obatan ( healthcare) etc. Process to print tidiness which....
hardware/ software/ printer/ acessories/ periperihal/ weighing bridge sensors& constructions/ ink refilling machine/
This product is easy to use especially in conference and meeting in you office.This product can make your conference and meeting more easy, and comfortable. This product have internal speaker and....
My Company sell office equipment like : 1. Conference System 2. Desk and Chair 3. LCD Projector 4. Language Lab 5. Filling Cabinet 6. Public Address
we have redclaws lobster to more information pls contact us
we have a redclaws lobster to sell to other information pls contatc us , we in surabaya indonesia contact person 6231 70999729
Paku Buwono Stick face front with gold letter sell at US$ 500.000.
Sold all product gernerated from forest & sea include antique material