We sell gaharu ( Aquilaria Malaccencis ) IDR 15000 height 30 cm, sengon, mahoni jati etc, package : polibag, Jogjakarta Indonesia, 0818848212
Mengorganisir Perjalanan Wisata Study Banding Studi Tour Kunjungan Kerja MICE & GATHERING OUTBOND & FUN GAME dll http: / / maxtroholidays.com/
We Serve Sales Among them: - Tickets - Train Tickets - Travel Land - Car Rental - Voucher - Package - Industrial Visits Check Airfare: Sms: 0878 3932 7272 City of Origin - Destination....
Lumpia content of bamboo sprout and chicken produced in Yogyakarta. Made without the use of preservatives and addictive taste guaranteed. if you stop in Yogyakarta do not forget to stop by our Lumpia....
With 100% meat shredded catfish ( Guarantee if not from the flesh of catfish native MONEY BACK) No other food additives ( without mixture) Without preservatives and MSG Already Registered....
We are produce Virgin Coconut Oil with qualified product, from a natural stuff, price at Jakarta or Surabaya is Rp. 150.000/ litre ( negotiable ) , telp / sms 0274-8514864
Batik glass coasters can be used as home appliances or kitchen. There are various kinds of coasters with varying batik motif. For more information please visit our official website at: www....
We are a supplier that sells a wide range of typical Wooden Batik Handicrafts and Souvenirs from Yogyakarta. We are cooperating with the craftsmen who produce export quality handicraft products and....
Rumah Kicau KMJ Sell Any Birds in Yogyakarta Indonesia
Rumah Kicau KMJ is the place to sell the birds in Yogyakarta Indonesia. We supply many kinds of birds who live in the territory of Indonesia. as Murai Batu, Kacer, Cucak Ijo, Cucak jenggot / Kapas....
Our products are available at very fashionable and artistic design.
HWDW Craft located in Yogyakarta, JAVA, INDONESIA. We provide souvenirs, candles, and several exclusive designs of pottery covered with eggshells. In addition to all the products that you can see on....
IMMUNO FORTE is concentrated Mannan Oligosaccharide ( MOS) and beta glucans that are necessary for maintaining gastrointestinal health and enhance immune response. Immuno FORTE serves as a natural....
We are a business in the poultry world. We provide consulting and information related to the development of the poultry world and sells products supplement poultry ( broiler, layer, chicken, duck / ....
We' re Sell Gift Box . Please call us for your order. 0812 2777 8638 ( Mrs. Lisa ) .
we sole and install all product by Onity for example Onity HT 24 Magnetic Stripe
wood working and door manufacture, building materials supplier
D 300cm x 60cm , outdoor water proof. remote mode
We sell THABITA RD Facial care with content that is safe to use. This mebghilangkan acne, dark spots and opaque on the face.
ornate silver arowana fish shape....................................................................... ..................................................................
Here we sell souvenirs kota gede yogyakarta Especially silver
we sell horse material from teak root, and i can make various kindsof animal shapes fit the desnired buyer. contak; ariyadi hp; 081392044468/ 085643956288
Penepung stainless steel machine is the machine for powdery materials that require high hygiene such as food medicines, herbal products, and so forth. Operationally simple machines, so it is quite....