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NAME PT.Odori Wisata Indonesia NAME OF CORRESPONDENCE PT.Odori Tour & Travel Standing since Dec. 17 2000 to 2001 Merger with PT.Natrabu Cab. Jogja SHAREHOLDERS Eddy Purnomo / Rosfini....
Shredded Beef with Packaging Wrap cap Louhan Standing interesting. Zipper equipped so as to facilitate the process of storage when it was opened and not finished a meal. Each package has a net....
Suplier Abon Sapi, Abon Ayam khas Boyolali
Bagus jamur adalah komunitas kecil yamg ada di Bantul, saat ini kami sedang mencoba mengembangkan usaha di bidang pembuatan bibit jamur.Usaha ini sudah kami geluti selama kurang lebih 2 tahun dan....
Kami memproduksi bibit jamur Tiram dll, siap membantu anda untuk menyediakan bibit. Bagi yang berada di Bantul dan sekitarnya kami beri harga 1500.sampai ditempat anda. Hubungi segera 087838248558/ ....
candle holder made of sono keling wood, matches made in the interior of the house to add to the atmosphere become more romantic and elegant.
Powder shaped organic pesticides formulated from tobacco leaves fermented completely to obtain the active ingredient nicotine very powerful as a contact poison and systemic insect pest, and plant....
AZKA CORPORATION adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penelitian dan pengembangan terapi herbal sebagai warisan secara turun temurun yang dipimpin oleh seorang Apoteker Alumnus UGM Yogyakarta....
Camera Bags " Zano" Type: Rocky Ready Stock fit 1 camera VG & Telle + Additional 4 slots for optional lens flas or accecories - Material out ok ( nylon) , waterprof - Foam tebel up to 12mm....
Peralatan konferensi ruang rapat CCS 900 ULTRO CCS900 Ultro is the latest voice conferencing system from Bosch communication. Section 900 Utro part of CCS consists of: CCS900 Ultro Chairman unit ....
Some of the advantages of business machines Drinking Water / Depot 6000 liters of drinking water RO us: - 2 In 1 = R.O. ( Reverse Osmosis) + Bio Ceramic Filter - Full Automatic - Drinking water....
VICTORIA since 2000 - MACHINE 1 YEAR warranty. 0815 6879 123 hotline, we have a solution for: Bottled Drinking Water - Drinking Water Filter Machine Packaging, bottled water, reverse osmosis, ....
Capoeira is a martial art sports from Brazil We sell musical instruments to accompany capoeira martial arts game, the Berimbau Berimbau we sell consists of: Verga / wooden bow Cabaca / gourd....
Capoeira is a martial sports that comes from Brazil, and is usually accompanied by a musical play called Jogo. Jogo in Capoeira game consists of several traditional musical instrument called a....
Sell BERIMBAU, Capoeira Music Instrument Verga/ wooden bow Cabaca/ gourd/ sound resonator Caxixi/ shaker Arame/ string wire Baqueta/ stick.
Rainbow again everywhere ni, cookies, cakes, donuts, risol, and others - others. Nugget also outdone ga ni ria rainbow bandwagon air. NUGGIE rainbow nuggets, chicken nuggets with an added 3 types of....
Ling-Zhi is functioning mushroom as drug: Body felt weaken ( Neurasthenia) , confused; Feel to weaken effect of old pain; Difficult of sleep ( insomnia) ; Chronic Bronkhitis, asthma, silicosis; ....
� � � Sumber Plasma� � � is business concern in Middle Small Industry category ( UKM) . In the founding of motorized by 3 youngsters ( Arif, Chris and Yudha) trying to make new work field after graduate....
Cooper Bathub made by cepogo craft and brass is a excellent and unique bathup. materrial : cooper Handmade touch art
Cepogo crafts and Indonesian crafts generally was famous for global market. Our products are made originally by hand by craftmen and craftwomen in Cepogo Central Java. They are all talented and....