COOPERATION : PEM UNLOAD - BUY the Ex Building, Hotel, Apartment, Market, Ruko, perkatoran, warehouse, Factory, ship, etc. If ( there are) any goods - goods of tsb, we ready to follow schime / ....
Let me offering as fruit Jernang to Mr / Ms The fruit jernang I came from Java with the fruit quality is not inferior to fruit Jernang from Aceh and Sumatra in general. I can supply a minimum of 2....
We are Handle for Handling Customs Export with competitive price Bdg to Tg.Priok D20' = Idr.3.900 All in D40' = Idr 4.700 All in Including PEB/ ID
LEP Cargo ( Expedisi Logistics Perdana Cargo) Founded by people who are experienced in the field of Freight Forwarding approximately 20 years, where we handle cargo Export and Import official or....
We are a housemaid provider with MORE THAN 15 years experiences. Visit our website and click Http: / / We can provide you Housemaid from 17 years up to 45....
We are a provider of House Maid to keep your Household clean and well controlled. Our Experiences of many years provided thousands of Householdmaids to every house from just plain house up to....
BIO MIKRO HAYATI Biological Fertilizer consists of microba that increase biology fertility and nutrient availability in the soil area, with composition below : Azospirillum Sp Azotobacter Sp ....
Located at Parung, West Java. It well known as one of Indonesia Central location for fisheries and plants. This strategic location gives reasons for us to be partner for people who involve in....
Dinamo roll warranty Tangerang, Banten around. Doing Dinamo Large, Medium, Small, Transformers, Genset, etc. Contact: Hartono 02190570565/ 081283413930 Electro scintillating 13.8 KM Road....
SERVICES � � � Interior Design Designing from scratch a decor and layout of the rooms of a building , from furniture , civil and electrical installation with attention to aesthetic value and tailored....
CV . USAHA MANDIRI BERSAMA was established on 10 January 2014. The services offered CV. USAHA MANDIRI BERSAMA include in the field of Interior Design , Furniture , Civil , Mechanical Electrical , ....
advertising indoor& Outdoor Promotion, and Merchendice Workshop Advertising : Babakan Sari No.68, Kiaracondong, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40283 0823 1611 1755 / 51D432B3 email: sofari.fff14@ gmail....
Triple F can produce Bags, Advertising and Furniture. We besides selling its own products we are also working with some existing convection in bandung to distribute to resellers and consumers. ....
Pt. Solusi Logistik Indonesia provide Customs Clearance Service. With more than 15 Years of experience and own licensed for EDI Transfer, we are absolut confidence to bring satisfaction to every....
PT. Intrasco Kilat Cargo is an International & Domestic Express Courier and Freight Forwarding Company based in Jakarta - Indonesia, Aiming to provide superior and high-quality services for our....
Open business opportunities exclusive agency One City ... one agent to market our quality products are shredded chicken delicious eco ... the price is very affordable ( fast moving)
The flagship product is made of quality materials, Shredded Chicken Healthy suitable for all ages. Special price only for Agencies Visit our blog:
Due to limited capital, I am looking for a person or company can be invited to a partnership to invest in the business of buying white pepper. And I guarantee that this partnership will benefit both....
We are a company engaged in trading services. Which we trade is the result of the earth that are on the islands of Bangka Belitung in particular, and Indonesia in general. From the start of....
Desain & Application Accounting Software. For Service, Trading & Manufacturing Company. Training for Accounting Software Application till applicable.
We serve best accomplying, review & Report Accounting ( as GAAP) , Taxes ( as UU) & Desaign Software Accounting. We have people expert in the job & Certified. Our customer are Service, Trading & ....
We want to establish cooperate for selling the cold asphalt that we make it by our self. Please feel free to contact me.
We sell Cold ASPHALT in simple package 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, and 20 kg, The reason we pack 1 kg is for sample our product, so The custumer will be sure about our product. Very simple, and trustable
Dear All, We are looking for individual investors who are able and willing to cope with our regular project funding in the implementation of procurement projects. We opened the opportunity for Mr....
JANGKAR SAMUDERA are General Trading and Ship Suppliers. Our services include the following products : ENGINES Jangkar Samudera Supply provides you all engine needs such as screws, chains, belt, ....
DHI working for many types for vacuum tray packaging. From Cake, Fruit, Vegetables, Egg, Meat, Ready to eat food. Use material PP, PS, PET, HIPS, etc.
DAEHWA INDONESIA ( DHI) has been experienced since 2001 and its main business lines as companies engaged in accessories part and component for Automotive, Electronic, Packaging, Etc. DHI Production....