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UD. LUMINTU ART ( Gallery Furniture )
\"SELAMAT DATANG\" Di Ud. Lumintu Art (Galeri Furniture), Pusatnya Furniture Khas Jepara, Menjual Dan Melayani Pesanan Furniture Model Ukir-Ukiran Maupun Modern Minimalis, In Door, Out Door, Perabot Rumah Tangga, Gazebo, Gebyok Serta Mebel Antik Reproduksi
Contact Information

Mr. M Ali Shodikin [Owner/Entrepreneur]


Phone Number:

Phone number of Mr. M Ali Shodikin at Jepara

Mobile Number:

Mobile number of Mr. M Ali Shodikin at Jepara


Bawu Rt28,06 Batealit
Jepara 59461, Jawa Tengah

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Mebel Antik ( Antique Meubel )

Mebel Antik ( Antique Meubel )Mebel Antik Reecycle Dari kayu jati, ( Reproduksi ) warna coklat antik atau menyesuaikan permintaan dengan kwalitas kayu terbaik yang sudah berumur ratusan. Untuk Pemesanan Hub : 081325427964 atau Email : Dalishodikin@yahoo.co.id
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Bufet Pintu 3 Minimalis Antik Reecycle ( Reproduksi )

2.750.000 Bisa Nego

Almari bufet 3 door minimalis antique from old teak wooden with the best kwality for design and luxurious style and elegance. For contact : 081325427964 or Email : Dalishodikin@ ....
Gebyok Jati Ukir Majapahit Ukiran 3 Dimensi Antik

22.500.000 Bisa Nego

Gebyok majapahit from solid teak wooden use antik colour or adapt to request with elegance and relief for design Detail informasi Tlp : 081325427964 . 02913336056 Or email: ....
Bangku Minimalis Jati Panjang Antik Recycle

1.550.000 Bisa Nego

Bangkau panjang minimalis antique from old teak wooden with the best kwality for design and luxurious style and elegance For contact : 081325427964 or Email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo....
Bangko Minimalis Jati Antik pendek Recycle

900.000 Bisa Nego

Bangkau pendek minimalis antique from old teak wooden with the best kwality for design and luxurious style and elegance. For contact : 081325427964 or Email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo....
Bangko Antik Type D Recycle

1.750.000 Bisa Nego

Bangkau type D minimalis antique from old teak wooden with the best kwality for design and luxurious style and elegance. For contact : 081325427964 or Email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo....
Bangku Jati Antik Type C Recycle

1.750.000 Bisa Nego

Bangkau type C minimalis antique from old teak wooden with the best kwality for design and luxurious style and elegance. For contact : 081325427964 or Email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo....
Almari Pakaian Minimalis Jati Antik Pintu 2 ( Recycle)

2.750.000 Bisa Nego

Almari Pakaian Pintu 2 minimalis antique from old teak wooden recycle with the best kwality for design and luxurious style and elegance. For inf Tlp : 081325427964 or Email : ....
Meja Makan Rastyk Jati ( Recycle ) Reproduksi

1.950.000 Bisa Nego

Dinning table from old solid teak wood recycle size 90x180x80 rastyk mode for contact tlp : 081325427964 or email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo.co.id
Bangku Antik Type A Recycle

1.750.000 Bisa Nego

Bangkau Antique Type A from old teak wooden recycle the best kwality for wood ang konstruksi and design with luxurious style. for contact : 081325427964 or email : Dalishodikin@ ....
Bangku Jati Antik Type B Recycle

1.750.000 Bisa Nego

Bangkau antique type B from old teak wooden with the best kwality for design For inf Tlp : 081325427964 or Email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo.co.id
Ayunan Antik Recycle

1.950.000 Bisa Nego

Ayunan Antik from old teak wood recycle use antik colour with antique style for contact : 081325427964 or Email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo.co.id
Meja Kopi Antik Minimalis ( Type Rastik) Recycle

1.750.000 Bisa Nego

Copy Table rastyk from material solid old teak wood recycle use antik color or adapt to request . size 100x100 . 80x120 cm for contact: 081325427964 or Email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo....
Meja Komputer Jati Antik ( Recycle )

2.750.000 Bisa Nego

Office table or computer table for material old teak wooden with luxurious style For contact : 081325427964 or Email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo.co.id
Meja Consule / Dinding Jati Minimalis Laci 3

750.000 Bisa Nego

Minimalis consule 3 drawer from solid teak wooden use natural colour finishing melamin minimalis type , for contact : 081325427964 or Email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo.co.id
Dipan Jumbo Antik Minimalis Recycle

2.950.000 Bisa Nego

Jumbo BED from old teak wood or reproductsi classic mode the best kwality for contact tlp : 081325427964 or Email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo.co.id
Bangku Santai Type Leyek Antik ( Recycle )

2.250.000 Bisa Nego

Leyek or Rileks bench from old teak wood reproductsi wood and classic mode For contact tlp : 081325427964 or Email: Dalishodikin@ yahoo.co.id
Meja Kantor Minimalis Jati Antik ( Reproduksi ) Recycle

2.950.000 Bisa Nego

Office table from solid old teak wood recycle, reproductsi use natural colour , Teak oil For contac order: 081325427964 or Email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo.co.id
Meja Consule / Dinding Jati Type Clendon Antik Recycle ( Reproduksi)

2.450.000 Bisa Nego

Consule clendo table from solid old teak wood reproducsi recycle antik natural colour for contact order : 081325427964 or email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo.co.id
Nakas Ukir Toraja Rastyk

550.000 Bisa Nego

Nakas ukir toraja rastyk material solid teak wood use natural colour finishing rastyk teak oil pernish . contact order : 081325427964 or email : Dalishodikin@ yahoo.co.id
Almari Pakaian Minimalis Ukir Kawung 4 Pintu ( Recycle)

4.450.000 Bisa Nego

Almari Pakaian Ukir Kawung 4 Pintu solid recycle reproduksi banana wood use darkbrown colour finishing Plitur Pernis model mewah . contact order : 081325427964 or email : ....
showing 1-20 of 20
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